The hollow democratic campaign

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra  

Hillary Clinton’s protective shield offered to the Muslims and the LGBTs is self-defeating. After all, what exactly has Clinton, the Clinton family, her husband, her daughter or her son-in-law, sacrificed for the country?
Feigned moral outrage is one of the most powerful tools in the Leftist arsenal, and this week, we witnessed some of the most fact-free examples of it in the US presidential elections. It seems most of the ‘mainstream’ Press in the US (translation: Self-certifying Left-wing types) have decided that presidential candidate Donald Trump “slandered” the parents of US soldier Humayun Khan.
Obviously, its complete tosh. Piece after piece, while outraging about the said outrage, failed to provide any quote on how exactly the fallen captain or his family had been slandered. But this worldwide phenomenon of hurling unproven, fact-free muck at the Right, has hidden the foreign policy disaster ie Hillary Clinton.
This same cabal of self-righteous hypocrites has casually laughed off Trump’s earthy but remarkably clear sighted vision of foreign policy. The plague i.e. Clinton is best described by Khizr Khan – the father of Humayun Khan. He asked rather pompously at the Dumbo National Convention (also known as the Democratic National Convention) of Trump, “You have sacrificed nothing and no one” following it up with (without even a hint of irony) with this hilarious line “Have you even read the US Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy”. This pretty much sums up the problem because everything that he attributed, Trump is far more applicable to Hillary. After all, what exactly has Clinton, the Clinton family, her husband, her daughter or her son-in-law, sacrificed for the country?
Far from the members of her husband’s Cabinet – specifically former Foreign Secretary Madeleine Al bright are certified war profiteers, reaping huge commercial contracts in places that Bill Clinton bombed (sorry “liberated”). It is ironic then that if Khizr Khan was worried about Trump’s assault on minorities, he didn’t offer to lend his copy of the Constitution to Clinton – the same woman who had opposed the Gay and Lesbian equality for decades, and voted for the abominable Defence of Marriage Act (DoMA). This was the same DoMA that was struck down by the US Supreme Court as being unconstitutional, but hey since Clinton is a democrat – even her bigotry is you know “liberal”. But that brain-deadedness is exactly what Khizr Khan displayed at the DNC – the simple words of a weak malleable mind. As professor Sumit Ganguly (A sworn democrat) observed a few years back during a lecture on the last US elections – there was a distinct pattern of southern Black voters, voting against their own interests – voting Republican, the same party that arguably disenfranchises them.
This same pattern though can equally be observed with two minorities with respect to Clinton – Muslims and the LGBT community. Clinton is one of the biggest Muslim killers in modern history. Every disaster in the Middle East today – Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya – all have a direct or indirect relationship to her actions. In fact, going by the lady’s record, if you were superstitious, you’d be excused for thinking Clinton is the unholy by-product of a diabolical Congress between a Dementor and Damien (from Omen). Yet, here was Khan endorsing the woman whose vote killed his own son, do you need any more proof of voting against one’s own interests?
The second set of supporters of Clinton is large sections of the LGBT community. To be fair, much Republican homophobia has pushed the community into an unhealthy Stockholm syndrome with the Democrats. Curiously this was community whose mention was left out by “freedom lover” Khan. Hardly surprising given that Clinton and US President Barack Obama refused to blame Islamic extremism for the Orlando Gay club shooting – instead blaming guns. Curiously they didn’t see fit to blame trucks for the July 14 Nice attacks. Forget the fact that Omar Mateen was a licensed security guard, who had a permit for his firearm; forget that his employers were uncomfortable with him, but didn’t want to sack him and get accused of being islamophobes; forget that Omar swore Bayah (allegiance) to Daesh.

Abhijit Iyer-Mitraeditorial articleThe hollow democratic campaign
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