HOA: Pak told to dismantle terror havens; LeT, JeM named

Amritsar: In clear reference to Pakistan, a conference of 40 nations on Sunday pitched for dismantling of safe havens for terror groups like LeT and JeM, amid a message by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the world community that “silence and inaction” would “only embolden terrorists and their masters”.
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, whose country’s proposal for a framework to effectively deal with terrorism could not be adopted by the conference, made a stinging attack on Pakistan, accusing it of launching an “undeclared war” against his country by providing support and safe sanctuaries to terror groups including Taliban.
Terror took the centre stage at the ‘Heart of Asia’ (HOA) conference here which was attended by Pakistan Prime Minister’s Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz as also representatives of major powers, including the US and Russia and regional groupings.
While most of the countries pitched for strong action against terrorism, some said India and Pakistan should join hands in helping Afghanistan.
Hosted by India in the backdrop of several cross-border terror attacks emanating from Pakistan, the HOA adopted, after two-day deliberations, the Amritsar Declaration which pressed for dismantling of terrorist sanctuaries and safe havens in the region, as well as disrupting all financial, tactical and logistical support for terror networks.
“We remain concerned by the gravity of the security situation in Afghanistan in particular and the region and the high level of violence caused by the Taliban, terrorist groups including ISIL/ DAISH and its affiliates, the Haqqani Network, Al Qaida, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, East Turkistan Islamic Movement, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, TTP, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, Jundullah and other foreign terrorist fighters,” the Declaration said.
It is for the first time that LeT and JeM have been mentioned in a declaration of the HOA, whose main objective is to discuss efforts to reconstruct and stablise war-torn Afghanistan.
“Acknowledging the support that terrorism derives in our region, we demand an immediate end to all forms of terrorism, as well as all support to it, including financing of terrorism. We recognize that terrorism is the biggest threat to peace, stability and cooperation in our region…
“We strongly call for concerted regional and international cooperation to ensure elimination of terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations, including dismantling of terrorist sanctuaries and safe havens in the Heart of Asia region, as well as disrupting all financial, tactical and logistical support for terrorism,” the Declaration said.
In his address at the conference, Modi emphasised the need for a “strong collective will” to defeat terrorism which he described as the “gravest threat to peace and security of Afghanistan and rest of South Asia.
He pressed for “resolute action” against those who “support, train and finance” terrorism and warned that “silence and inaction” would “only embolden terrorists and their masters”.
Under severe attack over terrorism emanating from Pakistan, Aziz hit back saying it is “simplistic” to blame one country.
“The security situation in Afghanistan is very complex.
It is simplistic to blame only one country for the recent upsurge in violence. We need to have an objective and holistic,” he asserted.
Aziz also raked up the issue of strain in Indo-Pak ties at the multilateral meet, saying his attending the conference despite “escalation” along the LoC was testimony to Pakistan’s “unflinching” commitment for lasting peace in Afghanistan.
He also expressed unhappiness over cancellation of SAARC Summit in Islamabad in November, terming it as a “setback” to regional cooperation.
He did not mention the issue of Jammu and Kashmir.
Noting that Pakistan was aware about serious challenges being faced by Afghanistan, Aziz said, “The first and foremost in our view is continuing violence and acts of terrorism claiming scores of human lives. This needs to be addressed urgently and effectively through collective efforts”.
Later, addressing a press conference, Jaitley, who headed the Indian delegation, said the declaration recognises terrorism as the biggest threat to peace and stability and demands immediate end to all forms of terrorism and all support, financing, safe havens and sanctuaries to it.
Apart from calling for concerted cooperation to combat the terror groups, the declaration sought early finalisation of the a draft Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism.
It also favoured an early meeting of experts to discuss a draft Regional Counter-Terrorism Framework, recently prepared by Afghanistan, for its early finalisation.
The declaration also stressed the need for advancing regional cooperation as an effective means to address common challenges and to promote security, stability and socio- economic development in the Heart of Asia region.
“We, therefore, renew our commitment to strengthening enhanced cooperation among Member States in a sincere and effective manner,” it said.

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