High satisfacation

Dear Editor,
On taking over as Prime Minister, the top priority for Narendra Modi was to infuse confidence among the people about the sincerity and capability of the government in bringing about an overall turnaround.
While analysing the first year of Modi’s rule, it is necessary to take into account the ground reality today in comparison to that which existed when he took over. There has not been a single corruption case against the government, inflation has been controlled, various social security schemes have brought hope for the poor and the weak, and the economy is looking up.
New warmth has been infused in India’s relations with the global powers and neighbouring countries. The biggest plus point for Modi is that after his one-year rule, not only is people’s confidence in him intact but there is also a realisation that one year is too short a time to set right all that had gone wrong.
MC Joshi

High satisfacationMC Joshi
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