Harsh petitions PM to convene all party meet on Kashmir situation


‘Political parties must avoid provocative statements’

JAMMU: Urging upon different political parties to refrain from making provocative statements over Kashmir imbroglio, Harsh Dev Singh, Chairman JKNPP and former Minister, has petitioned the Prime Minister to convene an all party meet to take firsthand account of the prevailing situation in the State.
He said that with State Government having failed to contain the rampaging crowds with situation having gone out of its control despite heavy deployments of forces and imposition of curfews, it was high time that Union Government intervened through the Governor of the State.
He said that similar turmoil having occurred in 2010-11 in the Valley, the then Prime Minister had also convened a meeting with all the recognised political parties of J and K and taken them into confidence for diffusing the crisis.
Regretting the reckless statements made by certain political parties and vested interests, Singh said that everyone needed to realise that Pakistan had directly involved itself in the Kashmir fires which if not douzed could cause irreparable damage to the socio-politico fabric of the nation and communal harmony in the State and country.
Deploring the statement of the Senior PDP leader who alleged violation of SOPs and Court orders and further questioned the modus operandi adopted during the elimination of Hizbul Commander Burhan, he said that such statements from a top leader of ruling party only had the effect of adding fuel to fire.
He said that similarly the statements by NC leaders that Burhan would now operate from the grave yard or that he was not a militant were highly instigating and atrocious. He regretted that even the Congress did not lag behind with its leaders stating that ‘Gujarat Model’ was being followed in Kashmir.
He said that one of the Congress leaders even went to the extent of saying that the Kashmiris should celebrate the occasion of killings rather than holding protests.
He cautioned that the raging fires of Kashmir could engulf the entire Jammu region with Doda and Kishtwar already having been partially affected, in case all political parties and nationalist forces did not join hands.
Harsh regretted that while the various opposition parties were making statements suiting their political interests, the BJP ministers in the State were busy issuing transfer orders deliriously oblivious of fierce crisis in the State. Reprimanding the BJP ministers for such highly irresponsible conduct, he further lambasted the State Government for raiding various offices of newspapers and harassing and intimidating media men.
He further flayed the BJP-led government at the Centre for its failure to appropriately address the situation except issuing advisories to the security personnel to exercise restraint notwithstanding the life threats faced by them.
Urging for direct intervention of the Governor on law and order, Harsh appealed for an early all party meet on J and K to be chaired by the Prime Minister and taking various stake holders on Board.
He said that with Pakistan already having announced its overt and covert support to separatists and anti-nationals in Kashmir and a black day on 19th July, it was imperative that all nationalist parties joined hands to defeat its nefarious designs.
He said that BJP led Govt’s announcement to provide three months advance ration to Kashmir was good but sounded funny at the present juncture when it was faced with most formidable challenge in the history of the State.

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