Harsh petitions PM, CM alleging violation of transfer policy notified by DoPT

JAMMU: Alleging highly politicised and motivated transfers in J and K particularly those of IAS officers, Harsh Dev Singh, Chairman JKNPP and former Minister, on Friday petitioned the Prime Minister and Chief Minister to take due cognisance of the blatant violations of prevalent transfer norms as well as of policy enunciated by DoPT, GoI.
In the petition, Harsh pointed out the glaring instances of breach of newly formulated norms of the Central Government and sought the indulgence of Prime Minister, Governor and Chief Minister so as to rectify the highly anomalous and preposterous transfer orders impinging upon the tall slogans of transparency and good governance so loudly proclaimed by the government.
In the petition, Harsh Dev said, “May I apprise you about the brazen violations of the Indian Administrative Services (cadre) 2nd Amendment Rules 2016 notified by DoPT GoI in April 2016 prohibiting premature transfers of the IAS officers without a valid reason. The said rules of 2016 unambiguously provide that in case of compelling circumstances where premature transfer of IAS officer is unavoidable, the reasons for such premature transfers shall be recorded after the recommendation for such a transfer has been made by Civil Services Board. This newly amended rule was adopted and notified by the GoI at the initiative of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi so as to check vindictive and whimsical transfers of IAS officers and to further ensure transparency and accountability in the system of governance. It is however distressing to note the blatant circumvention of the said rules by the incumbent BJP-PDP Government in J and K State, which ostensibly has declined to translate the PM’s slogans of good governance into reality.
The latest case in point is the premature transfer of one of the most decorated officers of the State, Shahid Iqbal IAS, Deputy Commissioner Udhampur, whose pre-mature transfer order has been issued by the State Government on extraneous considerations despite his most exchequered service record. The said Deputy Commissioner has been transferred merely after one year of his posting in district Udhampur at the behest of certain corrupt politicians who wielded influence in the corridors of power and more over no reasons have been recorded for his premature transfer as envisaged under 2016 Rules of DoPT.
It is pertinent to mention that the said Deputy Commissioner has been awarded twice by the GOI for his meritorious and outstanding services besides having been honoured several times by the State Government and the Election Commission of India. The said Deputy Commissioner who enjoys tremendous good will amongst the general masses is widely known the state over for having created an atmosphere of work culture, accountability and transparency in various districts in which he has served. Even the Chief Minister during his public meeting in Udhampur on 28th April 2016 had described the said officer as the best performing and most dynamic Deputy Commissioner. A discreet enquiry into his past service would reveal that he is amongst the most dedicated, honest, sincere and public friendly officer who has transformed the developmental profile of the districts wherein he served. The transfer of such dynamic officer at the behest of vested interests and corrupt elements has dampened the morale of upright officers in the state. His premature transfer having been maneuvered by negatively configured interests, the dynamic IAS officer has become a victim of conspiratorial huddle of corrupt politicians. His transfer order not only being malafide and motivated but is also in contravention of DOPT notification of April 2016 and is therefore required to be rescinded. Hope this receives your due consideration for appropriate and immediate action.”
Singh further said that Panthers Party shall continue to oppose and expose the State Government for all whimsical and paid transfers affected by it in various government departments.

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