Harsh bats for development of Dudu-Basantgarh villages

JAMMU: Ridiculing the slogans of Good Governance, Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas and Achhe Din given by Central and State Government, Former Minister and Chairman JKNPP, Harsh Dev Singh expressed grave concern over the pathetic plight of the people inhabiting the hilly and far flung areas of the State.
Harsh who was on a three days tour of remote belts of Dudu Basantgarh interacted with the people of various villages including Basantgarh, Loudra, Raichak, Kadwa, Khaned, Punara and Mang took stock of the burning problems faced by the people of such areas which, he said, were left at the mercy of god not only by the local administration but by the elected representatives as well.
Addressing several meetings, Harsh invited the attention of the State Government towards the multifarious problems and sufferings of the people of the said deprived areas.
Expressing concern over the Dudu and Basantgarh roads,
Singh said that the PM’S Task Force had approved the up-gradation of the said road in 2012-13 for Rs. 135 crore but regretted that no funds were released after 2014 when Rs. 15 crore were incurred for widening of the road. He expressed grave concern over the gradual deterioration of the said road which catered to a population of more than 50,000 souls but had been completely neglected during the last two years.
He further expressed serious concern over the non repairs of several transformers besides extremely low voltage problem in the said areas. He said that the tenders for installation of new transformers besides HT/LT lines had been inordinately delayed by more than two years resulting in severe hardships to the people, particularly in the villages of Loudra, Khaned, Raichak, Kadwa, Punara and Mang. He regretted non utilization of the funds sanctioned during 2013-14 for electrification of backward hamlets of Basantgarh Block.
Harsh expressed grave concern over the acute deficiency of teaching staff in various schools of Dudu Basantgarh area and urged upon the Education Department to make up the deficiency at the earliest. He expressed concern over the closure of several Primary and Middle Schools in the said villages by the government under the pretext of rationalization which had created resentment in the said areas.
Accusing the CAPD officials of creating artificial scarcity of ration in the area, Harsh called for a thorough probe into the quantum of ration provided to Basantgarh Block by the government, the ration actually disbursed to the beneficiaries by local officials, the details of beneficiaries, the fake ration cards and the pilferage of ration besides other irregularities in ration distribution. He assured the people that their complaints pertaining to omissions and commissions in preparation of ration cards as well as ration distribution would be duly brought to the notice of concerned authorities.
Singh strongly flayed the inordinate delay in the construction of Basantgarh-Khaned road. Holding the incumbent legislator responsible for lack of development in the area, he said that Panthers Party shall hold demonstrations against the non- commencement of construction work over the said road despite vacation of stay by the High Court. He alleged vested political interest in stopping the construction work of the said road which was the most coveted demand of Mang, Punara and Khaned Villages.
Castigating the Central and State BJP Leaders, who had flown in choppers to the said areas during Elections and promised to ameliorate their lot, had failed to ensure them even the provision of basic facilities which they availed earlier in normal routine. He apprised the remote area public who were awaiting with bated breath the arrival of ‘Achhe Din’, utter neglect of the elected leaders in projecting their sufferings. He said that rather than fighting for the woes of common man and ensuring justice to the Daily Wagers, SPOs, RETs, Contractual and Academic Arrangement Lecturers, Temporary Teachers etc, the MLAs showed more concern for enhancement of their own salaries, perks, plots, CDF and powers.
Others who spoke on the occasion including Mansa Ram Dhai, Dev Singh, Pavan Dev, Yog Raj Karlopia, Manzoor Ahmed Sarpanch, Tirath Ram Sarpanch, Badri Nath Sarpanch, Saif Ali Sarpanch, Ishar Dass Sarpanch besides others.

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