Guru Gobind Singh’s Prakash Parv

Omkar Dattatray

The 357th Prakash Utsav of the 10th Sikh Guru,Guru Gobind Singh is being celebrated on 17th January 2024 with great pomp, show and enthusiasm by the Sikh community in particular and others in general.Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti marks the auspicious day where Sikhs celebrate the birthday of the 10th Guru -Guru Gobind Singh. Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti also spelled as Govind Singh is a Sikh festival that commemorates the birthday of Guru Gobind Singh ji ,the 10th Guru of the Sikhs,It is a religious celebration in which prayers for prosperity are offered .Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti is a public holiday .It is a day off for the general population ,and schools and most businesses are closed. The day is celebrated on the month of January or December .Guru Gobind Singh’s birthday is being observed on 17th January 2024,Wednesday.There is great significance of Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti .Guru Gobind Singh is best known for rising against the Mughal rulers and safeguarding the interests of people from invaders .He, was a benevolent man who preached justice ,peace ,and equality for all .He lived the life of a saint and inspired millions of Sikhs with his writings that depict the way he led his life. ,He had strict principles ,which he and his followers followed and still follow religiously. The basic norms included not obliging to the prevalent caste system and superstitions ,they believed in one God and they followed the 5K’s-Kangha(comb),Kesh(uncuthair),Kacchera(undergarment),Kara (bracelet) and Karpan(sword).Before his passing ,Guru asked Sikhs to consider Guru Granth as the primary text .His teachings and preaching’s inspired many .His lifelong battle against the plundering Mughals ensured the survival of Sikhism.The day is celebrated all over India ,predominantly within the Sikh community .On this auspicious occasion people pray for the prosperity and well being of fellow people Reading and listening sessions of Guru Gobind’s poetry is a common practice on this day .Discussions on Guru Gobind’s life also take place in Sikh communities spread all over the world .Guru Gobind Singh Ji was born on saptami tithi of shukla paksha in Pausha month .It will be the 357th birth anniversary of the great guru .People celebrate this day and greet each other ,spread his teachings and message to all .The devotees visit Gurudwaras and all Gurudwaras are decorated with illumination of lights ,candles and diyas .As per Hindu calendar Guru Gobind Singh Ji was born on Saptmi Tithi of Shkula Paksha 1723 Samvat in the month of Pausha. According to the Julian Calendar ,he was born on December 22,1666 in Bihar Patna .The Julian Calendar is obsolete and no one uses it at the present time .Guru Gobind Singh’s father was Guru Tegh Bahadur who was killed by Aurangzeb .Guru Gobind Singhs mothers name was Mata Gujri .Aurangzeb beheaded his father ,Guru tegh Bahadur for not accepting Islam in the year 1675.In 1676,Guru Gobind Singh was declared the tenth Guru of Sikhs on the day of Baisakhi when he was only nine years old .The place where Guru Gobind Singh was born is now Takhat Shri Harminder Ji Patna Sahib .In 1670 ,his family again moved to Punjab .In March 1672,his family moved to a place called Chak Nanaki ,located in the Shivalik Hills of the Himalayas, Chack Nanki is now called Anandpur Sahib where he took his education .He took Persian, Sanskrit lessons and learned military skills to become a warrior .Later ,Guru Gobind Singh JI founded the Khalsa Panth .Khalsa strictly followed a spiritual discipline under the supervision and guidance of Guru Gobind Singh .People fearlessly fought against Mughal rulers .Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a great poet and writer who has written several literature .He announced the Guru Granth Sahib as the permanent Sikh Guru prior to so his death in the year 1708 and the Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a holy scripture of Sikhs .Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti is celebrated across the world where Sikh community people lives .Not only Shiks but everyone celebrates this day by visiting Gurudwars and spread his teachings to everyone .People extend their greetings to each other .Distribute Langars to all .All Gurudwars are decorated with lights and candles .Guru Nanak Vani is also narrated at some places .Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti is an auspicious day among the Sikh community and is celebrated every year with great fanfare and enthusiasm .The auspicious occasion of Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti is also known as the Prakash Parv of the tenth Guru. ,Guru Gobind Singh Ji .It is the birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and falls every year in December or January .On this day ,devotees from all over the world send best wishes to one another and vow to follow the teachings and path of Guru Gobind Singh Ji .The day is observed in honor and remembrance of the great warrior ,poet, Philosopher ,and above all a spiritual master .According to Drik Panchang ,Guru Gobind Singh Ji was born on Paush Skukla Saptami .Guru Gobind Singh Ji ,born as Gobind Rai ,was the tenth Sikh Guru ,a spiritual leader ,warrior ,poet and a philosopher .He formally became the leader and protector of the Sikhs at the tender age of nine after his father ,Guru Tegh Bahadur ,the ninth Sikh Guru ,was killed by Aurangzeb for refusing to convert to Islam. Guru Gobind Singh ji was a great warrior .He was known for his inclination towards poetry and his philosophies and writings he stood by .He refused to answer the Mughal invaders and fought alongside the Khalsa to protect his people .Under his guidance ,his followers adhered to a strict code .His philosophies ,writings and poetry inspire people to this day .To celebrate Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti ,Sikhs around the world visit Gurudwaras, where prayer meetings take place in honor of Guru Gobind Singh Ji .People participate in processions organized by the Gurudwaras ,hold kirtans ,and also do seva-a significant part of Sikh religion ,for the community. Among his notable contributions to Sikhism are founding a the Sikh warrior community called Khalsa in 1699 and introducing the five K’s ,the five articles of faith that Khalsa Sikhs wear all times .Guru Gobid Singh is credited with Dasam Granth whose hymns area sacred part of Sikh prayers and Khalsa rituals .To conclude it can be said that millions of people across the world are inspired by the life and teachings of Guru Gobind singh Ji and his birth anniversary is celebrated with gaiety all over the world where Sikh community lives.
(The author is a columnist,
social and KP activist).

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