REASI: To strengthen Panchayati Raj in villages and ensure social harmony, District Panchayat Officer, Rajiv Khajuria on Thursday launched ‘Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan’ on the 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar in the district.
‘Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan’ will conclude on Panchayati Raj Diwas on 24th April.
However, in Reasi District, the activities under the programme shall be continued beyond 24th April and have been extended for 37 days till 31st May, the District Panchayat Officer informed the people.
DODA: A three phase campaign starting from 14 to 24th April, called the ‘Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday’ Abhiyan, proposed by Union Government was launched across District Doda under the overall supervision of District Development Commissioner Doda, Bhupinder Kumar.
Events like rallies, seminars, dramas, street plays, debates, declamation contests, seminars, conferences, skits, role plays etc were organised on the theme ‘social harmony’across all the gram panchayats in District on the first day of the Abhiyan.
During the programmes the participants were informed by the Block Development Officers and other field staff that the first phase from 14th to 16th April will focus in the Gram Panchayat on programmes and activities related to Social Justice and Harmony in connection with the 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr B R Ambedkar.
In the second phase from 17th to 20th April focus in the Village Kissan Sabha will be on farmers and agricultural labourers and in the third and final phase from April 21 to 24 focus will be on organising special gram sabhas with maximum participation of villagers particularly women, SCs, STs and citizens belonging to other marginalized groups .