Govt launches 4 schemes for growth of technical textiles

New Delhi: Government has launched four schemes, including a technology mission, for promotion and growth of technical textiles, Lok Sabha was informed today.

Technical textiles are materials manufactured primarily for their technical performance and functional properties rather than aesthetic and decorative purpose.

Textiles Minister Santosh Gangwar said during Question Hour that three other projects are schemes for strengthening of database and standards for technical textiles, scheme for usage of agritextiles in the northeastern region and restructured technology urgradation fund scheme.

In addition, the ministry has approved setting up of integrated textiles parks under which it provides assistance for creation of infrastructure in the parks to the extent of 40 per cent limited to Rs 40 crore.

Gangwar said the ministry has set up eight Centres of Excellence (CoE) for indigenous development of prototypes, incubation centre.

The minister said under the mini-mission of Technology Mission on Textiles, fund support is being provided for contract research wherein the technical textiles manufacturing unit can approach any government.

Under this intervention, so far 5 contract research projects have been approved with a total cost of Rs 1.27 crore with government support of Rs 75.12 lakh.


techincal textiles
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