Govt asks AITA to hold election as per Sports Code

New Delhi: To ensure that the National Sports Feder-ations (NSFs) elect office bearers as per the Sports Code only, the government has hardened its stance and latest to fall in line is All India Tennis Association, which has agreed to elect its new President next month.
Sports Minister Vijay Goel today met with AITA Life President Anil Khanna and told him in clear terms that if AITA has to get back the recognition, they will have to elect a new President as per the Sports Code. The government had de-recognised AITA recently after Khanna was elected President for a second term till 2020 at sports body’s AGM in Indore on September 3 even as the veteran administrator refused to take up the post. AITA’s Executive Comm-ittee then elected senior bureaucrat Praveen Mahajan as the new President on December 1 but the government wants the Federation to hold fresh elections.

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