Good school education makes good citizens: Governor at annual day celebration in Jodhamal

JAMMU: The Jodhamal Public School celebrated its ten years of excellence in the field of education by holding the annual meet ‘Vini Vedi Vici’ ‘We came, We saw, We conquered’ on 13th December, 2014 in the school Multi Purpose Hall.
The Governor, N.N Vohra graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and lauded the unique and exquisite performances put up by the children.
The inauguration of annual day celebrations was marked by a wonderful and extravagant live exhibition which was displayed in the form of tableaus where Jammu, Kashmir, Chenab Valley, and Ladakh were highlighted.
Special features of these four places were depicted such as culture, cuisine, tradition, landscape etc. These vibrant tableaus gave glimpses of the important places and events in such a way that a trip to these places seemed inevitable.
The programme began with the National Anthem followed by lighting of the lamp ceremony by the Chief Guest, amidst chanting of the Shlokas.
The School Orchestra welcomed the elite gathering by enrapturing them with the ragas, old melodies to foot tapping old hits.
The Head Girl, Raggad Rafiq presented the welcome address. The Trustee of the School, Nandan Kuthiala, addressed the gathering, apprising them of the future endeavours. Dasavatar, the opening item, where ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu were showcased meticulously.
A fusion of the Indian dance style with that of Spain (Spanish jai Ho) was the next item where Jai Ho was presented in an entirely different manner amongst huge applause.
Shakespearean Spectre, a play Julius Caesar in original dialect was showcased on the stage under the stewardship of much acclaimed artist Naveen Chopra, truly depicting Shakespeare’s words, ‘All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.’
The enthusiastic students put up a musical item ‘I Have a Dream’ as a blessing and farewell to their seniors.
The Principal of the School, Trilok Singh Bist presented the school’s annual report highlighting the accolades of the JMPians. The much awaited moment of the programme was the felicitation of the parents and students for their wonderful results in Class 10th and 12th CBSE Exams. Governor also felicitated the staff members who completed ten years with JMPS and were with Jodhamal right from its inception which included teachers, admin and support staff.
The Governor emphasised that sound school education enables the students to perform well in their higher studies and also emerge as good citizens who contribute towards building a strong nation.
The Governor congratulated the school management for attaining higher results in the academic and extra-curricular arenas and conveyed his best wishes for the school continuing to enhance its performance on all fronts.
The Governor complimented the hard work of the students and their teachers for presenting an impressive cultural show which included a “Julius Caesar”, a play performed by the students.
The Head Boy, Anmol Mahajan presented the vote of thanks. The programme culminated with the thanks giving shloka sung by Nandani Kapoor.

jodhamal public school
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