GDC Purmandal organises week-long activities to celebrate World Environment Day


PURMANDAL: GDC Purmandal celebrated world Environment Day by organising week long activities under the theme #only one earth. Head Department of Environmental Sciences Prof. Shahima Akhter organized week long activities with the focus on “living sustainaibly in harmony with Nature”.
Various activities were conducted under the patronage of Principal of the college “Prof. Seema Mir”. Students of the college participated with lot of zeal in different activities like “Cleanliness Drive” at the campus, prepared bird houses for sheltering the beautiful birds by putting bird feed so that the birds can satisfy their hunger. Earthen pots were kept at different places within the premises of the college so that the birds can quench their thrust especially in this scorching heat and summer season. Principal along with staff of the college participated in cleanliness drive.
On the occasion, Principal reiterated upon the fact and calls for collective, transformative action on a global scale to celebrate and protect our planet by putting in rigorous efforts to save and nurture mother earth as “Clean within is Clean outside”. The sereis of events were conducted and Co-ordinated by Head, Department of Environmental Sciences Prof. Shahima Akhter, who is always keen and dedicated towards conserving environment as she shared her valuable thoughts and ideas to preserve mother nature.