Game changer

If Prime Minister’s ‘mid-night’ stroke of demonetisation has affected the common man across the board it looks for the time being it has also dented the flow of Hawala money to Kashmir Valley. This is evident from the sudden death of protest tempos which one had seen over the last four months. Howsoever, politicians who differ from Modi doctrine may not agree to the fact but reality is that there is a vacuum in fund flow.  There is not an iota of doubt that large amount of suspected Hawala funds flowing from Gulf countries was being used for creating infrastructure for radicalisation of youths. It looks religion, money, terrorism and unrest in Kashmir Valley have been running hand-in-hand. Money was playing a major role and there is no dearth of sympathisers and supporters of terror and the fund support in the name of religion. Of late Kashmir Valley has been witnessing a surge in new religious institutions which have been instrumental in indoctrinating youth with the ideology practised  by ISIS and al-Qaeda terror groups. This new trend has left many religious heads worried. During various stone-pelting incidents in the Valley, the “ISIS-JK” flags were openly waved by miscreants. The recent spurt in growth of large number of local militants can be attributed to this new trend and change in mindset of section of the younger generation who have become more hostile, is also a general observation across the board among all wings of security agencies. The difference between today’s militancy and that of during 1990’s is the ideological conviction of the present lot is far more superior to that of the terror groups of yesteryears which is dangerous trend. Kashmir is witnessing a trend of Pan-Islamisation where the young boys are opting for the path of terrorism knowing full well that they are at the risk of being killed. Though it is too early to come to any conclusion, but emergence of such a trend is a dangerous one as ISIS weaning its influence in Syria and other countries may find these youth right fodder to carry out their mission in India.

editorial article 1game changer
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