FS&D Deptt to launch UT-wide anti-food adulteration surveillance campaign today


JAMMU: On the directions of FSSAI to the States/UTs, the department of Food Safety & Drug Administration, under the Supervision of Commissioner FS&DA J&K, Shakeel-Ul-Rehman Rather, is going to launch two week UT-wide surveillance campaign from August 1, 2022 till August 14, 2022 with the objective to check the adulteration in edible oils, compliance w-r-t limits of Trans Fatty Acids, labeling provisions and mandatory AGMARK license for Multi Source Edible Vegetable Oils (MSEO) including vanaspati and enforcement of prohibition of sale of loose edible oil.
According to Deputy Commissioner Food Safety Jammu, it has been noticed at FSSAI level that there are instances of sale/manufacturing of adulterated edible oils as well as unauthorized blending of oils without the mandatory AGMARK license. Efforts would be made to cover all the brands of edible oils and the samples shall be forwarded to Laboratories Notified by the FSSAI for testing. In case of non-compliance cases of surveillance, the regulatory samples shall be lifted immediately and sent for testing.