Freebies culture not good

Dear Editor,
The holding of election by the ECI is a common feature of Indian democracy. Consequently, the subject of freebies/sops/doles offered by political parties to woo electorates comes to hit the headlines.
The issue denying level playing field to all political parties would never phase out till the final viable solution is found in the matter.
The competitive freebies culture is bound to tilt the balance in favour of a party offering more.
The Election Commission of India has rightly asked the political parties to make their stand clear on the feasibility of promising freebies to voters and their financial viability.
The move is appreciable in view of fixing of some sort of expected accountability on political parties and making their manifesto promises rational and financially viable.
A freebie culture has become a norm now- a-day’s cutting across all political parties.
The issue has seized the kind attention of the honorable Apex Court and rightly so in order to ensure free and faire election in the country.
However, political parties have the knack to find out newer ways and means to impact/woo the voters at the hustling. Promising irrational freebies by parties without doubt hit the debt trapped State’s Exchequers adversely.
This has long term ramifications for the whole nation.
Where from the funds would pour in for improving /upgrading the infrastructure in educational institutions, health sector as well as providing basic amenities for the people in cities and towns besides earmarking funds for Govt. policies and programmes aimed at poverty alleviation , ensuing job avenues to unemployed youth concomitant with adversely affecting allied developmental works.
Besides, the voters too need to be educated/made aware enough that immediate sops /freebies doled out by political parties may be looking quite enticing/alluring at the initial stage but are not in the county’s interest in the long run.
How could the parties provide promised world class schools, hospitals and capacity building infrastructure in the country if the tax payer’s money is being squandered on freebies/ Sops is a much significant question to ponder over, whatever may be the justification given by the parties.
Ravi Sharma.

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