Fire broke out near Bahu Plaza; Police, Fire & Emergency Deptt rescue people


Jammu : On receiving an information about a massive fire which broke out in the Gupta towers where number of offices including that financial institutions and insurance companies are situated at Bahu plaza, Bahu fort police station quickly responded to safeguard the lives and property along with fire services department.
Police teams led by SP South and assisted by SDPO East and SHO Bahufort reached on spot along with Fire and emergency vehicles and tried to douse the fire but faced a tough time in controlling the fire due to excessive smoke.
As Number of staff were also trapped, setting the priority to save the human lives, without carrying for personal safety, police temporarily led from front by SP South, Jammu, timely and professionally rescued number of people including a lady who were suffocating due to smoke on 3rd floor of the building. They were evacuated by the team and safely brought down by the emergency escape ladder. Ssp Jammu personally supervised the whole operation.
The cause of the fire is being ascertained and investigation stated into the matter.

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