Find Solutions of Malnutrition

Dear Sir,
According to the latest report of UNO’s Food and Agriculture Organization, 74% Indians do not have access to nutritious food. This report is about the ‘situation of food security and nutrition’ in Asia and the Pacific region.T he NFHS-5 round report of the Government of India, the dire situation of malnutrition was described in detail .In this report also, this UN organization said that malnutrition-related health parameters are very low in India and the condition of anemia in children is bad. Regardless of adequate food, the percentage of people suffering from malnutrition is 16.6.The country’s children are becoming thin and stunted due to malnutrition. However, in the latest report of the Global Hunger Index, the Indian Government has dismissed these things as a foreign conspiracy. 31% of children up to the age of five years are stunted. According to the report, apart from malnutrition and poor health of the mother during birth, stunting is caused by the child not getting proper feeding and nutrition after birth.The question is that if landing on the moon is possible then why not eliminate malnutrition?
N Mateeni

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