Ensure availability of facilities at polling stations: DEO Baramulla

BARAMULLA: To discuss various matters related to the smooth conduct of Assembly Elections 2014, a meeting of the concerned officers was held at Baramulla under the Chairmanship of District Election Officer Baramulla.
The meeting discussed threadbare various important aspects of the ongoing election process. Availability of basic amenities and facilities at the Polling stations and Distribution and Collection centers was the main agenda of the meeting. The water supply, electricity, road connectivity and security arrangements at the polling centers was given special focus. The installation of CCTV cameras and the availability of un-interrupted power supply at the counting centers were also finalized in the meeting.
The security aspect for the conduct of the election process was also thoroughly discussed in the meeting.
The DEO directed all the Officers present in the meeting that they should work with dedication and determination, so that the general voters will not face any sort of inconvenience during the voting process.

DEO BaramullaEnsure
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