There is no dearth of talents in our country. There are many talents in the country, who are imparting the knowledge of India at home and abroad. In many fields of the country like doctors, engineers, scientists etc. the youth and talents of the country are coming forward and making an important contribution to the country. There is no dearth of talent in the country but there is increasing concern that many people in the country who have unique talent are leaving their village, city and country. To retain such talents and do so in one’s own field is a challenge in itself.
In view of these increasing conditions in our town, region and our own country, the government is also making a lot of efforts. Talent is not valued in our country, whereas in other countries talent is kept at the top. There is no dearth of talent in the country and our first objective is to retain and encourage them.
The talents of our country are the future of our country. Stop the talents leaving the country and try to respect them.

editorial article 1
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