EMTM to fight against social injustice to Mehanatkash



JAMMU: “In the present scenario of life the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer,   the mighty people are getting mightier and the weaker are getting more weak while the common man keeps on crying for justice,” said State President Ekta Mehnatkash Trade Manch (EMTM), a newly formed social organisation, M.P Gupta (Paawan) in a press conference held at Press Club Jammu on Tuesday.

Paawan said, “The common man these days is getting lip and paper services but nothing on ground. The political parties lure the voters with big promises but when they come to power, they forget the voter for the whole term of their government. The voters keep on crying but no one comes to redress their grievances. It is a pity that the people who make the government by casting their votes get totally ignored by the politicians. Number of welfare schemes are announced, advertised in papers but get liquidated before reaching to the beneficiaries on ground.”

Keeping in view the helpless and miserable condition of the common masses particularly the people of working class (Mehnatkash) like mazdoor community,  artisans, low paid employees, factory workers,  farmers, small shopkeepers, roadside vendors, transport operators and other unemployed youths, the social organisation has been launched to force unity among these weaker sections of the society to fight for their rights, justice and social upliftment particularly the women empowerment, Pawaan said. This organisation will fight against discrimination on the basis of religions, castes, gender, classes and regions and strive for equality in all spheres of life in whole of the State, he added.

He said that the organisation will have its branches in all districts of the State to look after the welfare of the sufferers by pursuing their causes at all levels.

Prominent persons among others present in the conference include General Secretary S.S Komal, Tara Chand, Madan Verma, Sukhdev Singh, Devinder Singh, Vinod Sharma, Krishan Verma, Shsher Bhagat, Parminder Singh, Rajiv, Naveen Bali,  Ajit Kohli and Santosh Bandral.

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