Empowering women, youth top on agenda: Surinder Singh Bunty

JAMMU: National Conference candidate from Gandhi Nagar Constituency, Surinder Singh Bunty (Advocate) on Sunday said that empowering women is one of his prime priorities adding that by empowering women we can achieve a cumulative effect to create vitality and buoyancy in society ensuring all round progress.
“The energy, talent and strength of women and girls represent humankind’s most valuable untapped natural resource. “Women’s full and equal participation in the political and economic arena is fundamental to democracy and justice, which people are demanding. Equal rights and opportunity underpin healthy economies and societies,” Bunty added.
He was addressing a largely attended public meeting of NC women workers and locals at Gorkha Nagar in Bahu Fort area of Gandhi Nagar Constituency. Bunty said that fulfilling people’s aspirations and providing fruits of development besides ample opportunities to local youth for living a contented life was his sole objective.
He said that if given chance he will endeavour to provide a platform to the youth especially from this area for improving their educational skills besides generating ample employment avenues so that migration of State’s young blood for want of career avenues could be stopped.
Highlighting the prolific policies of National Conference and deliberating upon its future endeavours to ensure comprehensive development, Surinder Singh Bunty said that National Conference has a proven record of working on pro-people agenda. He said that NC has got many welfare schemes in the offing to ensure all round development of Gandhi Nagar Constituency taking on board people belonging to all hues and faiths. He further said that National Conference is bound to ensure skill based education, generate suitable job avenues besides all round development of the State.
Singh assured that if given chance he will ensure development in real terms by generating avenues to overcome unemployment, illiteracy, crime against women and drug abuse. He said that inclusive development is the vision of National Conference and he will ensure its implementation.

National Conference candidateSurinder Singh Bunty
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