Election results: a lay view of the prospect

Lt Col Krishan Chand (retd)

For about two months, election related developments in the state have dominated social discourse in the country and even abroad in many place. Many elections have been held in the state since country’s independence and state’s accession, but, the current one underway is different from all others preceding it for two important reasons that can, and are, likely to make all the difference. Reason one- For the first time a national party has thrown a credible challenge to the almost state sponsored religion cum region centric rule in the state bestowing the unchallenged right to rule the state to Sunni Muslim representation from the valley. There has been one ‘half’ exception by default in the person of Mr Gulam Nabi Azad from outside the valley in strange circumstances, but, the general  rule stands to date. That it derives from abhorrent ‘two nation theory’ mindset and is an obnoxious aberration to democratic and secular credentials of our republic, was deliberately ignored for convenience of reality politics. Reason two-For the first time a credible challenge has been thrown to dynastic rule all across the country in general and more pertinently in the state by a party led by a person who has risen to the helm only by the dint of his own hard work and defiant support of ground level workers and who has no pretensions to high birth, education etc.
Elections being over, many guesses and exit polls are in circulation. These range from absolute majority to PDP (largely derived from the valley) to some sobering guesses where in BJP is shown only a little behind with support derived only from Jammu and Ladakh and nil representation from the valley. The predicted outcome is not only a setback to the BJP’s mission 44+ to give the state  good governance, development etc,  but,  also an opportunity to rid it of long standing dynastic stranglehold on its politics. The polls therefore, while fulfilling the wishes of few dash the hopes of many yearning for end to separatism, religion centric politics, corruption and terrorism. I continue to hope that the poll pundits would be proved wrong and the people of the state will deliver their verdict in favour of development and, reject separatism, corruption, terrorism and dynastic rule to get ahead in life and not stay shackled by ambitions of few to their ruin, pain and poverty.
If however the poll pundits are proved right, the outcome can be squarely blamed on separatists, corrupt, and, both open and crypto adherents to ‘two nation theory’. We the people, will then have to forge an approach to defeat the designs of these elements to give ourselves good governance, security and development, which though promised by the constitution has eluded us.  We are a secular, socialist, democratic republic where religion, high birth/ worth in money/ religion should not impact our policies and polity, but, we see that these are bedevilling our lives and governance. A motivated social and educational programme may be then needed to root out support for such forces. Success in this regard in rest of India is the surest way its success in the state. Valley and religion centric rule in the state has caused a great harm to the unity and integrity of the country and we need to weed it out of state to rid the country of religion centric politics. A  Secular State has every obligation to insulate religious considerations and influences on governance and the current govt in the centre must deliver on this count to avoid being counted ‘pseudo-secular’.
Now coming to the hopes of the country and people of the state, one cannot but surmise that all well meaning people hope for outcome that is consistent with general atmospherics in the country for good governance, development, security and jobs. Hopes as opposed to wishes that are rather personal and often times fictional, are based on expectations of positive outcomes from events and circumstances in one’s life, society or even world at large. Going by the perceptions derived from large turnout (particularly in terror infested Kashmir valley), both enthusiasm and hopefulness expressed by young voters from the valley for change and development, I’d inferred a desire and consequently a vote for change in the valley at least in Urban areas resulting in up to six seats to the brave young deserving candidates fielded by the nationalist BJP in the valley and about 34-35 seats in aggregate from both Jammu and Ladakh. If this were to happen, I see no reason why then the BJP will not be in a position to stake a claim to form the govt on its own or with inside/ outside support from friendly candidates/ parties to deliver on its promises of good governance.
Many detractors of the party have been nibbling at its votes in Jammu n Ladakh region for not having  declared/ having a declarable chief ministerial candidate. If hopes of positive outcome were to materialise, these worthies would find that a very suitable candidate acceptable to all will be found without much search and that he’ll perform far better than all his/ her predecessors.
In conclusion I wish to live with my hope of positive outcome of the elections in providing the people with an honest, nationalistic, caring govt for development of the state. Towards this end even if BJP and PDP have to support each other or co-exist in constructive opposition, they should welcome the prospect for the state. Parties and elected representatives are but instruments in scheme of governance and they must rise to the occasion whatever the outcome, for the people. I hope they will and not let their wishes frustrate the hopes of people of the State.

editorial articleElection resultsLt Col Krishan Chand (retd)
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