East or West Home Is The Best


If we turn the old pages of the primordial times of the Indian history it reveals that history itself is a testimony that the living of human beings is as old as Indian civilization and very much gives information about the life of the early man’s living based on evidences that the human beings like animals used to live in the forests and also used to live in caves in order to be saved from the harsh effects of hot and cold weather for the sustainability of his life . There were no houses either in the form of thatched houses or even kutcha houses to be lived in in the early times of the human beings. With the passage of time slowly and gradually some of the tribes started living on the plain areas along the banks of rivers or lakes making/ constructing their kutcha or thatched houses.
As the period of time got changing ; the human beings’ mind also got changed and he started living in wooden houses , joumparies , huts etc. Once he accidently invented fire by rubbing two stones against each other . Fire provided him not only warmth from the cold but also provided safety from the wild animals . Moreover , he was able to roast raw food or meat of killed animals . Gradually he became a food producer moving close to water bodies’ sources like rivers , lakes etc.
In India the remains of this period have been found in the regions of Upper Indus and Upper Narmada .i.e. the old civilization of living revealed that human beings had progressed much more in the style of his living than that the living of the earlier times. Now, my idea switches over the living of magnificent palatial houses of the kings of princely states of India. These kings had made their life to be more comfortable with the style of living in such big forts than those of common subjects . Their royalty of life was at the cost of hard working of the poor masses .
Like the kings , I make a mention of living of big traders, businessmen whose living also used to be showing off their riches , amassing of wealth beyond any limits . These big businessmen and traders could not contribute for the upliftment and amelioration of the common masses as is being done now during the regime of Modi government.
Now I would like to discuss enjoyment of multi-storeyed buildings called as flats . Their living is very much within limits albeit the occupants of the flats enjoy every kind of facility going up and down through lifts , recreational activities are there for them to be enjoyed ,parks are there for their loitering , exercising and basking in the Sun .
Further the most comfortable living during the period of 20th century in the form of kutcha houses which were hygienically fit for human living beyond of any doubts . Those houses used to be constructed airy- i.e. cool in Summer season, warm in Winter season and free from epidemics diseases during the Rainy season . The walls of those houses used to be pasted , plastered with white clay and flooring of those used to be plastered with cow-dung which was considered antiseptic for effects , to be good for healthy living and free from prone to various communicable as well as non- communicable diseases. My dear grandparents used to tell me the advantages to be the enjoyment of peace of mind in the living of those wonderful houses .
he people who enjoy the life of very open farm-houses are the politicians, IAS Officers, big traders and businessmen and big landlords are really such type of rich people who enjoy their living on big farm-houses because of having landed property.
Lastly , Let me discuss about the living to be in concrete houses. I mean to say that living of concrete houses is not only hard and uncomfortable but also harmful to the norms of health as these houses of modern times need to be warmed during the winter season by being fitted with electrical gadgets like those of heaters, geysers, installment of ACs which itself are detrimental to be healthy lifestyle. Similar is the case in the Summer season these houses also need to be cooled with ACs , fans etc. then and only then one can enjoy comfortable living . More so these houses’ floors , walls have been tiled with so many variety of colours which necessarily need to be kept neat and clean for its beautiful look . It is also pertinent to mention here that these marbled houses which cause slippery , fatal because of being multi-storeyed buildings also fall prey to earthquakes of large Richter scale degrees. Last but not least I would like to narrating an interesting and truly believable story about such a little bird who is so-called an engineering bird or a Bregaari Chidiya in Dogri language that makes its wonderful nest weaving into like that of an engineer feats ,binding that nest with thinner branch of a sheesham tree and after its completion it makes two holes-one for coming in other for going out. This little bird gets as much satisfaction and enjoyment to be living in it as human beings can’t get to be in their palacial houses.When wind runs that nest swings as if a little bird were living in a heaven.It plans to be made it with that tree that had grown near pond of water which even if humans cannot approach to be got it easily. Such is the wisdom of that little bird.It is also free from dangers posed by any big birds. It is worth living for it in all weathers be it harsh winter or hotter summer.
In the light of above mentioned types of different living standards ; wheresoever one goes to four directions – East, West, North , South for one’s journey does never have as much peace of mind as one gets in his own constructed house be it 3 and half marlas of house or more than that of ; So this universal proverb sits very well that “East Or West Home Is The Best.”

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