DM prohibits transportation of bovines outside Udhampur District

UDHAMPUR: To prevent illegal transportation of bovine animals reportedly for slaughtering purposes, the District Magistrate, Udhampur, Yasha Mudgal has prohibited their ferrying outside Udhampur District. The prohibitory order has been imposed with immediate effect and shall remain in force for a period of two months.
The bovine animals such as cow, ox, bull and buffalo may be transported within the limits of district Udhampur to any place under a written authority of District Magistrate which could be issued on production of a certificate issued by a qualified veterinary doctor. The mode of transport, timing of move and number of animals to be carried etc. shall be governed as per the conditions prescribed under the permit.
The order shall not apply in case of government agencies who take the cattle for departmental purpose.

DM prohibitsudhampur
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