District carrom meet held

JAMMU: Jammu and Kashmir Carrom Association organised District Jammu Championship at Bhargav Public High School, here. In the prize distribution function, Divisional Sports Officer of the State Sports Council, Rajan Sharma was Chief Guest. A good number of boys and girls drawn from different educational institutions took part in this competition. In the prize distribution function, among others present were Ashok Khajuria, Parveen Singh and Vijay Sharma (Sarpanch) as also Principal and other incharge teachers of the participating schools.
The Detailed Results:
BOYS: Singles: Sanyam, Ist and Tushar, 2nd. Doubles: Ankush and Abhinav, Ist and Asnyam and Tushar, 2nd.
GIRLS: Singles: Harshleen Kour, Ist and Harsheen, 2nd. Doubles: Harsheen and Garima Bhargav, Ist and Harshleen and Akriti, 2nd.

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