NEW DELHI: Delhi Police has returned Rs 7.55 crore in cash and other valuable case properties, including 3.8 kg gold, to their “rightful owners” in the last six months, officials said on Sunday.
These articles lying in the custody of Delhi Police from the last several years were handed over to its rightful owners on the direction of Police Commissioner S N Shrivastava, they said.
Special drives were launched during which Delhi Police reviewed the process of returning of recovered and seized stolen property to its rightful owners, police said.
“During the period from June 1 to November 5 this year, Rs.7.55 crore in cash and jewellery approximately 3795.12 g recovered in different cases was handed over to their rightful owners. This included 422 items of gold jewellery, six diamond jewellery and 431 of silver jewellery,” said Eish Singhal, Delhi Police Public Relations Officer.
Besides jewellery, 5,299 two wheelers, 280 three wheelers and 869 four wheeler vehicles were also restored to their rightful owners, he said.
Electronics items, including 3,980 mobile phones, 121 laptops/PC/CCTV and 1931 other miscellaneous items were recovered and handed over to their owners, police added.