Declare CM from Jammu region: JWAM

JAMMU: Expressing concern over non-formation of government even after 15 days of declaration of results, Jammu West Assembly Movement (JWAM) held a protest under the leadership of president Sunil Dimple demanded chief minister from Jammu region.
Addressing the gathering Sunil Dimple said that the people of Jammu have given mandate for chief minister from Jammu region, formation of the stable government for the complete six years, end of the dynasty rule, abrogation of Article 370, permanent settlement of PoK refugees and continuation of AFSPA till normalcy is restored in the state.
Now it is up to new government to honor the mandate of the people of Jammu region.
Dimple said the PDP has clearly declined to accept the demand of the chief minister of the state from Jammu region, abrogation of the article 370, permanent settlement of the POK refugees and continuation of AFSPA.
Dimple said it very alarming situation that despite differences in the ideologies of the two political parties, BJP wants to shake hands with PDP, ignoring the mandate given to BJP by the people of Jammu region.
Sunil said why BJP is begging and is in hurry to tie up with such party which is not ready to accept any demand of BJP for which people of Jammu region have voted.
He urged upon the Governor N.N Vohra to call the single largest party to form government and prove its majority on the floor of the assembly. So that the verdict and mandate of the people could be honored and no horse trading take place. In case parties fail to prove majority on the floor of the house, the re-election of assembly be conducted.
Dimple threatened to start the Jammu wide Jan Andolan, if Chief Minster from Jammu region is not made.

article 370JWAM
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