DDC holds public grievance redressal camp

DODA: To redress the grievance of rural population at their doorstep, District Development Commissioner Doda, Bhawani Rakwal on Wednesday held a public grievance redressal camp at village Thandapani, Block Assar Doda.
CPO Doda Yoginder Katoch, SDM Assar Navdeep Wazir, BDO Assar Irshad Ahmed, DEPO Doda Ayaz Mughal, Tehsildar besides other sectoral officers accompanied the DDC.
During the camp, DDC was apprised of various issues and problems by ex-Sarpanch, Panchs and locals and demanded better road connectivity, basic amenities like availability of drinking water, ration, reduction in power curtailment, posting of adequate staff in schools and health institutions, Aadhar enrolment of the left out people, payment of pending MGNREGA claims and land compensation amount, play ground, small bridge besides others. DDC listened to the demands patiently and assured the people of full cooperation from district administration in their redressal. He assured the public that the approach road from Assar to Thandapani village shall be completed by RDD for which funds will be sanctioned from 14th FC. This will give good connectivity to the whole area.
He further directed the officers of Animal and Sheep Husbandry Department to hold an awareness camp in Thandapani area on March 12, 2018 to make the people aware of various schemes of the government. He also assured the public that proposal for opening of primary health centre for better health service will be taken up with the concerned department. DDC directed AD (CAPD) Doda for shifting of kerosene oil depot from Assar to Thandapani village. He directed SDM Assar to convene a camp in the area for enrolment of the left out people for issuance of Aadhar cards.
Similarly DDC issued on the spot directions to all district and sectoral officers concerned especially Executive Engineer PHE, PDD for better water and electricity facilities. He further directed other departments to work in collaboration with people at grass root level and make efforts so that the benefit of various welfare schemes reach down to the downtrodden and poor sections of society of the remote area.

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