CPI protests against Govt over price hike

R S PURA: A protest was held at Salehar falling in R.S Pura area by the Jammu Unit of CPI under the leadership of Com Rakesh Sharma, Member State Committee CPI, J and K who raised their voice against growing price rise, petrol/diesel cost and unemployment among the educated youth and lack of development in far flung border areas of the Jammu region.
Com Rakesh Sharma while speaking on the occasion lashed out at the present PDP-BJP Govt for their failure to restore proper law and order in Kashmir region besides also accounted the present dispensation of backtracking from their promise committed during the last financial year budget regarding waiving of loans of the farmers upto 50 per cent across the State. Com Rakesh Sharma urged the Govt to set up Rural Industrial Estate to cater the needs of the people of rural area besides providing employment opportunities to the rural youth through various industrial development schemes in rural area.

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