Court awards life-imprisonment in murder case

JAMMU: Principal Sessions Judge Reasi on Thursday awarded life-imprisonment to Pawan Kumar in murder case.
According to the police case that on 14th February 2009 the informant Kartar Singh lodged a written complaint in the Police Post Pouni stating therein that he is the resident of village Ransoo and Pawan Kumar alias Thoru, Ashok Kumar Alias Shama, Ravi Kumar Kohli and Sanjay Kumar Kohli sons of Om Parkash, residents of Ramsoo are engaged in land dispute which is sub-judice in a court at Reasi for the last five years and on account of this land dispute these persons are inimical towards the informant. That on 14th December 2009 at around 5.30 PM his son Joginder Singh had collected Bajri for putting a shelf in his Dhaba. In the meantime, Pawan Kumar came there and started abusing him, whereupon his son enquired the reason for hurling abuses upon him but Pawan Kumar and Ashok Kumar, sons of Hans Raj ,Ravi Kumar and Sanjay Kumar Kohli, sons of Om Parkash in furtherance of common criminal intention to kill him launch a murderous assault upon him. Ashok Kumar, Ravi Kumar and Sanjay Kumar lifted Joginder Singh badly and threw him in a drain and as Joginder Singh started to stand up and came out of the drain, Pawan Kumar alias Thoru hit him on his head with the shovel (Belcha), as a result of which Joginder Singh fell on the ground. On his raising hue and cry Kamal Singh, son of Dewan Chand, Pari Ram son of Belia, resident of Dehot, Mohinder Singh, son of Kaku Ram, resident of Ransoo came at scene of occurrence and on seeing these persons coming to the place of occurrence the accused fled away. Thereafter, the informant along with Sohan Singh Rajput, resident of Ransoo, Ranjeet Singh, son of Swaran Singh, resident of Nagara Khori brought the injured Joginder Singh for treatment to Ransoo dispensary from where doctor referred him to Pouni hospital and thereafter informant along with these people brought his son in a vehicle to Pouni Hospital.
Principal Sessions Judge Reasi S.R Gandhi after hearing Public Prosecution M.M Sharma appearing for the State observed that convict Pawan Kumar shall undergo imprisonment for life for the commission of offence under Section 302 of the RPC and a fine of Rs.10,000.
In default of payment of fine the convict shall suffer further imprisonment for 6 months.
While awarding sentence Court further observed that the deceased was belonging to the lower strata of the society. For his sustenance he was running Dhaba with his father. The occurrence happened on 14th December 2009. The financial condition of the convict might have shattered in this period of about 7 years. Therefore, keeping in view this fact, the court deems it proper not to saddle the convict of the liability to pay the compensation. It is as such recommended that compensation in terms of Section 545-A Cr.P.C read with J&K Victim Compensation Scheme, 2013 made vide SRO 229 dated 23rd April, 2013 and Schedule-I to Notification SRO 394 dated 9th September 2013 may be granted to the legal heirs of the victim.

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