Consecration Ceremony of Ram Temple: The spirit of Deepavali

I.D Soni

The Deepavali is our festival of light. The light of lights is love. The World, today, suffers from famine of love. Our greatest need is self-sacrificing love.
There were two lovers who each wanted to give to other of Deepavali gift. They were poor in the wealth of the world, though rich in treasures of love. The girl had long, hair,She sold them and bought a silver chain for her lover’s watch. In the mean time, the lover sold his watch and bought a set of tortoise-shell combs with jewelled edges for his beloved’s lovely hair.
When the two met each. they found that hair was gone, the watch was gone. At first they wept, then they smiled and said, “We still have our most precious possession- and that is our self-sacrificing love.” It is this love which transforms whatever it touches and makes it beautiful and bright. It breathes hope into discouraged hearts, strengthens the weak and sets the spirit of manaflame. It kindles the light that is undying, the light that can never be extinguished .
The love is to give. Give to those who love us, as also to those who do not love us. Give to the fortunate and to the unfortunate. Give hope, give happiness, give encouragement, give appreciation, give smile, give a kind word. To give is to live. Those that give, live. Those that do not give are no better than dead souls.
Shanti Deva was a prince. On the eve of his coronation, he heard a voice from within. It said to him, “Shantideva I not for you the joys of kingships. Renounce !Renounce ! And be a servants of suffering creation.” He responds to the voice and, like Buddha, renounce practises the palace and enters a Tapobana, a forest of meditation. austerity: he receives enlightenment. He works for several years, as a teacher in university of Nalanda. He gives to his students a prayer.
May I be, for all beings, a healer ! May I be, to all who ail, a Doctor and a nurse! May I give food and drink to suffer from pangs of hunger and thirst ! May I be to the poor a treasure untold! May I be a defender of those who are forsaken lie on the road side ! May I be to those who long for the other shore, a boat and a bridge ! May I be a lamp that holds the light to those who lose the way !
In this prayer is enshrined the true spirit of Deepavali. We cannot all be great scientists or artists or musicians or writers of books. But we can always send out love and friendly thoughts to all men and creatures. We can always be on the lookout for opportunities to be of some little service to those in need. We can kindle little lamps of love and compassion. Then, indeed, will everyday to us a Deepavali.
I. Year after year, Deepavali returns with the message, we would be happy, if we would have peace of mind, be as kind as we can. And, if we cannot be kind at least do not be cruel to anyone. The light of life is kindness : cruelty is darkness. Kindle little lights of kindness.
In every situation, let us look for ways to be kind. Even if kindness is not returned, we will have the joy of living upto our principles.
“What are the three most important things of life?” Henry James was asked. And he answered, “The first is kindness : The second is kindness : The third is kindness.” The day on which we have not done at least one act of kindness is a lost day indeed. And kindness is not kindness, if it is not shown to friend and foe alike.
II. Of Goethe, the great world-poet of the Eighteenth century it is said that when lay on death-bed, surrounded by his friends, he asked one of them to open the windows of his room. As the windows were opened, the great poet exclaimed, ” Light more light !”
The world today is passing through a period of darkness. That is why every day we hear reports of murders, rapes, and suicides and scams / thefts being committed in broad day-light. The world needs light, more light. Every human being has a center of light within him. The Deepavali returns, year after year, bearing the great message : Drop the veils and let the light shine.
May I be a light to dwellers in the dark !
May I be a friend of friendless, the forsaken and the forlorn ! May I be to the poor, a treasure untold !
May I give food and drink to those that starve and go thirsty ! May I be lamp that holds the light to those who have lost their way ! May I be to those , who long to cross the sansar sagar, a boat and bridge !
The man of light prays this prayer and is careful to see that indeeds of daily living he bears witness to every word of this prayer. For him everyday becomes a Deepavali day and every night he hears the mariner’s song, “Never, my lord, to Thee !
III. On a Deepavali Day we are busy lighting candles, when the Lord appears and says, ” You are lighting candles : You are doing well. But when will you be a candle ?” The candle gives light and, in the process, burns itself. When shall we do likewise ?
The Sufi mystic Rabia once brought out three things and showed to Hasan- a piece of wax, a needle and hair. Hasan could not get the message . And Rabia explained to him, “like was light up the world by burning yourself, Like a needle stitch garments for other while you remain naked. And make your ego thin and soft as a hair, so that you may not even be aware of the good you have done.” This is the message of the sacred Deepavali.
IV. Year after year, the Diwali comes brining the age-old message, “Be not dwellers of the dark but be ye children of light.” Therefore, realise we are not the body. We are the immortal soul within the body. Break the thraldom of the senses.
Do not chase the shadows which come and go. The light of lights shines in our spirit. Kindle the inner light.
V. His name is magic to millions of India still.
Sita is to India a symbol of purity as Rama is a symbol of Shakti – the strength that achieves.
Uprooted are we from our near ones, but not from our love for our soil an its seers and sages. And in our hearts is still alive the faith that we, who are away from our near dear ones, may yet be reunited. Of this faith, kindle ye little champs in the Diwali night ! And look ye for the stay of Sri Rama’s Return !
VI. ” Tamasomajyotirgamaya !” ” Out of darkness
Lead me into light, ” is a prayer offered by millions all over the world on the Deepavali night.
All around us today there is darkness – the darkness of selfishness, hatred and greed. The human birth is an opportunity to behold the light of the light, the ever living light which keeps on buring in the cave of the heart. Not all the hurricanes and tornadoes of the world can extinguish the light. If we pause for a few minutes, several times a day day, to contact the divine center within, we behold a patch of white light in our forehead. The patch grows into a full orbit of light which illumines the plexusof thousand petals and our entire being is filled with light.
This it is to celebrates the Deepavali. It comes to remain us that we and our neighbour are not apart from each other. We are parts of the one whole.
VII. Year after the Deepavali returns with the much needed message : “Kindle the light of understanding; cultivate understanding hearts.” Today, there is lack of understanding. Brother cannot understand brother : husband cannot understand his wife.
To kindle the light of understanding we need to control our tongue. Let us speak les tham we think. Let us discuss but not argue. Let us refuse to hear gossip. Let this be the rule of our loved-filled life. They say, what do they say, let them say.” And when things go wrong let us take the blame on ourselves and when the go right let us give the credit to others.
Company let us guard our tongue, in solitude let us guard our hearts. Thus shall we kindle the light that will never die. This is the right way to celebrates Deepavali.
Behold The Light Within:
Great souls have stressed again and again, “Kindle the light! And the light is within you! You are the light!” They spoke to us of triple light. There is firstly, the light of body keeps the body pure and strong, and it will radiate light. Everyone who would kindle the light must purify himself from thrlowerself of desire. He must still the tumult of the senses.
There is secondly, the light of mind. Reflection, the power of understanding, is what India and the world need today. Larger minds must be built. Be a seeker of truth. Truth not tradition. Truth, not dogmas, creeds, communities, and races. “Seek ye the Truth,” said Jesus, “and Truth will make you free”
Thirdly, there is the light of the heart. It is the light of sympathy and services. Who has light lives not for himself alone: he lives for others. In our hearts should be love divine, it should move out to all whom the cruel world tramples upon day after day. Our love should move out to those whom the world calls sinners. Let us, therefore take a pledge on this Sacred Day (Deepavali ) to kindle all three lights and that will be True celebration of Deepavali.”

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