Communication and Agricultural Development


Agriculture is the main stream of Indian economy. It directly regulates the growth of economy. The main occupation of rural people is agriculture. As the scope for bringing more area under cultivation is limited, the only possible way to increase the yield through the adoption of new and improved agricultural practices and techniques, so as to meet out the long term food grain requirement of the country.The Indian agriculture sector faces numerous challenges,inadequate allocation of resources,weather fluctuations ,fragmented land holdings,post-harvest losses etc.Lack of knowledge,skills and education among the farmers is also a gap that needs to be addressed.Arming the farmers with tools that keep them up to dated about market trends and weather predictions,animal health,soil health,irrigation needs etc.can help to alleviate a lot of these issues.The present age has been rightly termed as an ‘information age’. Information plays an immense value in our society. Information has become an integral part of our daily life. Now people want adequate and authentic information as early as possible. The mass media namely newspaper, radio, television etc. are catering to this important need of people. For the rapid and overall development of a country it is must that the citizens of that country are well versed with the happenings around them.Development information and technologies generated for the farmers are of no use unless these reach to the ultimate users. It has been estimated that only about 30 per cent of the technologies are being received and used by the farmers. It is further added that the technologies generated today reach to the entire ultimate users in about 20 years.
Communication plays the significant role to make any organisation successful.It is a vehicle on which the basic functions are carried out either national or international.It is the core activity of human association in general and progress as well as development in particular. No human life can exist in isolation. A man can survive only in society and the survival in society is possible with communication. Therefore, communication is identified as the oldest continued activity of human being since birth and goes on and on till death. More precisely, communication is the basic need of human beings and web of society which makes the survival, growth, progress and development of man possible and holds the society intact and progressive. To sum-up, communication is a vital part of personal life in the society. It is equally important in business, education, civilization, administration and other situations where people encounter with each other to satisfy their needs and wishes.
Communication is the vital aspect to change the behaviour of the receiver. As a matter of fact, no executive can be successful without communicating effectively with his superiors or subordinates. Messages could be in the form of words, symbols, signs, letters or actions. The importance of communication has been greatly emphasized by all the management experts. Communication is like a part of an individual’s life as well as organizational existence. Its importance is self-explanatory and is having common experience of all as well.Communication maintains and animates the life. It is also a motor and expression of social activity and civilization. It leads people from instinct to inspiration, through process and system of enquiry, command and control. It creates a common pool of ideas, strengthens the feeling of togetherness through the exchange of messages and translates through into action. As the world has advanced, the task of communication has become more complex. However, unless some basic structural changes are introduced, the potential benefits of technological and communication development will hardly be put at disposal of the majority of mankind.The extension/communication/dissemination system and network is the key input in increasing the performance in agricultural production. Therefore, the communication is the most powerful input which brings substantial development in socio-economic status of an individual.
Agriculture is an ancient profession.For all round development in agriculture ,the communication process also plays significant role.Without proper communication farmers are unable to describe their problems.Present Indian extension system is under numerous pressures where the extension workers, have to cater not only vast population but also to perform administrative, election, input supply and other works. Under these circumstances, it is not practically possible to serve all the farmers, all the time for all the problems when ratio of extension worker and farmer, the sender and receiver is more than 1:1000. Therefore, the potential of mass media can be exploited to serve the rural population in this direction.
Electronisation and mechanization in communication systems have provided opportunity to access the information rapidly, accurately and repeatedly. To reach the unreach modern electronic gadgets and systems have been introduced to cope-up the requirements. The government of India has realized the need and utility of these electronic equipments for rural population. Therefore, massive programmes of cyber extension, digital interactive distance learning, online networks, computers aided multi media, internet and free online telephones etc. have been launched for the farmers. Some of the major extension technology systems and approaches are being used presently like kisan call centre (1800-180-1551), Cyber Extension, ATIC, computer-internet connectivity etc.
The use of present extension and communication technology system is based on the initiative of the farmers-the receiver itself. This is possible only when the farmer is conversant with the knowledge of handling system, approach etc. about present communication technology system as well as the positive attitude towards the system. In view of the progressive farmers, its use is judicious as they have high level of positive communication behaviour has resulted the desired results in their agricultural profession. As far as the farmers of U.P., Bihar and backward areas are concerned they are traditionalist-hardliners and shy in nature with lack of communication behaviour. They hesitate to ask recent informations. The reason of lack of communication behaviour is not only because of their personal weaknesses but there are number of constraints which come in the way and restrict them to make use of extension personnels and communication channels.Communication in agriculture is not only to inform and create an awareness among the farmers but also to implement new ideas that change the mode of farming. Village extension workers (VEWs) inform the farmers about the new technologies, but they are not keeping pace with the advancement of technical know-how. Secondly, the message has to travel through many stages from its source to the ultimate users. Due to this hierarchical transfer sometimes it loses its meaning and originality.Different groups of villages are likely to respond to the same programme in different ways what is more, even a programme geared to the requirements of a specific group of people may fail to get them involved because of rural realities.To make the farming community enlightened and better skilled in the use of improved management practices, fast communication and efficient devices are required to break through the message effectively so that the farmers can be convinced to adopt the technologies.
The writer is: Dr.Banarsi Lal, Scientist & Head, KVK Reasi (Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Jammu)(SKUAST-J).

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