Clear pending bills or face stir: Contractors




JAMMU: Contractors Association of Estates Division lambasted the callous attitude of the Director Estates J and K for depriving them of their due payments despite lapse of more than one year.

Led by President, Sanjay Soi, the association members assembled outside the office of Director Estates and raised slogans in support of their demands.

Soi further stated that the Contractors  Association is on Dharna for the past 29 days  but the authorities of Estates Department have not bothered to look into the grievances of the contractors leaving them to suffer  for want of  their due payments but today only the Executive Engineer, Estates Division visited the Dharna site and assured the contractors to give some time to the department as he is proceeding to Srinagar in connection with the contractor’s work of pending bills.

Those who joined the protest include Mohinder Singh, Rajinder Kumar, Raja Mehmood Ahmed, Satvinder Singh, Parveen Singh, Arun Sharma, Sumit Sharma and Habhajan Singh.

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