Chugh assails Congress for politicising Ram Temple consecration, disregarding symbol of national faith


CHANDIGARH: BJP National General Secretary Tarun Chugh on Wednesday lambasted Congress leaders including Rahul Gandhi for describing the consecration ceremony at Ayodhya a political function and said it reflects anti-Ram stance of the Congress leaders.
Chugh said the Congress has been always playing divisive politics much against the Indian cultural ethos.
The consecration function is a matter of national faith in which people of all castes and communities would be taking part, he said, adding that Lord Ram is a symbol of national pride but unfortunately it is Congress which is politicising the ceremony by deciding to abstain from it.
Chugh said at a time when the entire country was resonating with chants of Lord Ram the Congress was sounding a disruptive note much against the popular sentiment.
He said invitations to the Ayodhya function have been sent to one and all regardless of political affiliations yet the Congress cannot help adding politics to it. The Congress should take a lesson from what prominent figures like senior Congress leader Karan Singh have to say on the matter, he added. Chugh urged the Congress to respect the popular faith of the people of the nation.

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