Charity rejects donations by people who saw nude photos

Sydney :  Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia has rejected donations by Reddit users who tried to absolve themselves of the “sin” after having looked at hacked nude photos of Hollywood celebrities.

“A Reddit user directed other Reddit users to make a donation to the Prostate Cancer Foundation without the Foundation’s knowledge. We would never condone raising funds for cancer research in this manner,” the foundation said in a press release.

“Out of respect for everyone involved and in keeping with our own standards, we are returning all donations that resulted from this post,” the statement added.

Over $6,000 were donated by the Reddit users to ease their guilt before the Prostate Cancer Foundation shut down the charity page.

Nude photos of actors Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Ariana Grande and Kirsten Dunst, among others, leaked online Aug 31 in one of the biggest celebrity hacking scandals in recent memory.

The images, which first appeared on image-sharing site 4chan, saw most of the celebrities nude or in provocative poses. A spokesperson for Lawrence blasted the hackers for their “flagrant violation of privacy.”

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is now investigating reports that the online theft of private nude photographs of celebrities such as Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton was the work of an underground hacking ring.

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