Charge sheet against Naib Tehsildar, Patwari in Chatta-Sunjwan Land Scam

JAMMU: In the much publicised Chatta Sunjwan Land Scam, the Commissioner/Secretary to Govt. of J&K, Revenue, Relief and Rehabilitation Mohd. Afzal (IAS) has submitted that the Inquiry Officer (Regional Director Survey and Land Records Jammu) vide his report No. RDS&LR/J/16/59-63 dated May, 25, 2016 has submitted that there is no denial of the fact that the tampering of the revenue records has not occurred.
The Commissioner/Secretary, Revenue has also divulged in the status report that the serving officials identified have issued subsequent Fard-e-Intikhabs in 2005 namely Mohan Singh Patwari (presently Patwari Halqa Nonath, Samba) and Mohd. Iqbal Zargar presently Naib-Tehsildar Thathri, District Doda are being charge sheeted by the Financial Commissioner, Revenue and has been asked to initiate departmental action against them in terms of J&K CCA Rules, 1956. The status report further says that since Choudhary Aslam Din the then Naib-Tehsildar has already retired as such the inquiry officer did not recommend any departmental action against him.
The Inquiry Officer in his inquiry report has further submitted that the question of tracing out the persons having tampered the record is an issue to be looked into by the Investigating Officer during investigation by collecting evidence and using other scientific methods. But one thing is clear that if the fard intikhab has been initially issued in the year 1984 over Khasra No.1442 projecting it as a private land and then getting the document registered without any revalidation after a period of six years prima facie makes out a strong case to doubt the record wherein the tampering has occurred. It is for the reason that the Fard Intikhab in the ordinary course would not have been issued without showing the state land as private land. Not only this, even under what circumstances an old document of six years has been registered in the year 1990 is also suspicious and unjustified. The Inquiry Officer has further submitted that the subsequent issuance of Fard Intikhabs on 04-01-2005 and 30-06-2005 are based upon the record available which has been tampered in such a smart manner that the cursory look or a bare perusal easily cannot detect it.
Based on the inquiry report of Shantmanu (IAS), the General Administration Department on the opinion of Law Department referred the matter to the Inspector General of Crime for a thorough probe into the matter and departmental action was also recommended against the erring revenue officials.

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