Changing scenario of Government schools

Shyam Sudan

Recently government of J&K UT has started several historic initiatives for the betterment of government institutions across the region. We have seen many drastic changes on the ground. With the introduction of new education policy and other reformation in education sector, now the things are rapidly changing in our government institutions. Government has allocated a large budgetary amount for the infrastructure development of the institution s of the jk UT. Now various institutions have well furnished CAL, smart rooms, kindergarten corners, library rooms and other facilities. We generally believe that private institutions of J&K UT are far better than our government institutions. But now many of our government institutions are giving better facilities to the educators and learners in every aspect. Both on infrastructure and academic side we are giving competition to private schools. For the betterment of work culture in government institutions education department has launched several measures like smart attendance system and different monitoring portals. However there is a clear fact that still more is needed in government institutions to win the faith of public. Because there is a wrong notion and misconception in the minds of public that only private institutions can provide better education to the children. But this is not the total reality behind this misconception. Here we are not criticizing the role of private institutions of our region, because those institutions are also providing better education to our children and also giving employment opportunities to our educated youth. But we can’t ignore the role of our government institutions in the changing scenario. There are millions of government institutions available for the education of our society in different inaccessible regions of our UT. Where there is no private institutions our government schools are giving education opportunities to our children. Private institutions are located at the urban areas only, but in different rural areas our government institutions provide benefits to our children who are still aloof from this basic necessity. Now the government has decided to change the designing of these institutions. The main focus of the education department is to provide quality education to our young generation through these formal medium of instructions. The main motive and objective of our new education policy is also same. Our new education policy is designed in such a way that now more stress is given to explore the hidden talent of individuals rather than to make our children a parrot quality individual. Various programs like Nipun Bharat mission FLN and other preparatory modules have been designed for strengthening the base of our children. Various cultural activities calendar and guidance and counseling modules has been approved by our education department for the betterment of our education. Now it is very difficult to recognize the individual differences and personality appearance between government school children and private school children. In no field and aspects our government institutions children are less than private institutions. During different national festivals and other cultural competitions we cannot identify the differences between the children of government schools and private institutions. In government institutions government has provided every basic facility to our children free of cost. There is provision of MDm, free uniforms facilities, text books and different scholarships. Every year we have seen that in different competitive exams many children from government institutions background generally selected and got the opportunity to excel further. We can’t say that government schools children have no caliber and potential. Only need is to provide timely boost and opportunity to them. Now with the advancement in technology everything has changed. There is equal and easily available sources of knowledge are waiting for all. Now the text books and other curriculum almost have similar designs as per private institutions. The open truth is that government institutions are giving better and impartial education to children irrespective of their economic status and financial background. There is an urgent need for the readiness of all i.e., parents, teachers and children for the welfare and betterment of education in government schools. This is the main hindrance behind the sluggish education growth of our government institutions. All the three stakeholders i.e., parents, teachers and children are not ready at the same time. when there is proper alignment among all, we can achieve our target in a more comfortable way. Government can only provide the better facilities to us, it is our role and responsibility to change the scenario at ground level. There is a common saying that you can lead a horse to the river side but you can’t make him to drink. Cooperation of all is needed in this direction for the betterment of our government institutions.

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