Changing J&K, Modi’s big achievement

Omkar Dattatray

There has been a drastic and total change in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir ever since the abrogation of controversial article 370 of the constitution of India on 5th August 2019. A changed narrative and the effect and impact of the Modi’s inclusive development has ushered in a new chapter in the socio-economic development of Jammu and Kashmir with the help and active involvement and participation of local population and thus there is change for better in the UT which is in the interest of the people and also of all the stakeholders. The changing Jammu and Kashmiri’s scenario is one of the big achievements of Modi and he is rightly credited for this far -reaching development of change which is bound to result in societal and economic development in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir .It is worth noting that PM Modi takes a personal interest in the change and development of the Jammu and Kashmir and because of this personal interest new Jammu and Kashmir has taken birth which in fact is a big development.
Former minister and the BJP vice -President Surjeet Singh Slathia counted and spelled the achievements of Modi’s nine years rule and said that changing J&K with return of normalcy and peace as well development of the UT is one of the big achievements of Modi and he deserves to be complimented for this great work.
This achievement made Jammu and Kashmir the safe destination of the tourists from the world who are visiting J&K in big numbers and contributing to the development and economy of the UT. Moreover the change and normalcy also attracted huge investment from Indian and foreign corporate’s and investors who find it easy and safe to invest in the industry and economy of Jammu and Kashmir thus making great strides in the economic and social development of the UT.
Addressing the Maha Jansamparak Abhyan in village Swankha in Ramgarh constituency, Slathia highlighted the achievements of ModI’s nine years rule and said the recently successful three days G20 meeting confirms that there is change, tranquility and an atmosphere of development in Jammu and Kashmir and with the active participation of the local people Kashmir is moving on the path of peace and development. The peoples deep yearning for peace, tranquility has made development possible and there are no two opinions about the changing narrative of Jammu and Kashmir. The people of J&K yearn for change and want normalcy, peace and consequent development and progress.
The investment in Jammu and Kashmir has more than doubled by the end of 2022 and it was about 75,000 crore that is the five times the investment of past 74 years and so it is a big development and points towards the safe atmosphere for trade and business as well as for the investment. Thus economic and developmental scenario has undergone a drastic change for better and the people welcome this change in the conditions and environment and credit it to the dynamic leadership provided by Modi and his government. This is a very positive and encouraging development that tourist footfall has reached to 1.80 crores last year and in the current year it is expected to go up to over two crores which reflects the success of the various initiatives of Modi government. The political, social as well as economic scenario has completely undergone change for better and it is only due to the efforts ,schemes and program’s of Modi government.
In fact post abrogation of controversial article 370,35A and the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir in two union territories in 2019 has given death kneel to militancy and Pakistan sponsored insurgency and as a result has brought much change in the situation in Kashmir and this change is a positive and encouraging development. The efforts are on to harness J&K’s hydel potential optimally and the target is to double the generation in the next three years and three times in seven years. It will make a huge difference so far as meeting domestic consumption is concerned and in turn this will give a boost to the economic landscape of the UT. The power generation in the Tawi basin will prove a game changer not only in terms of achieving self-reliance but also will result in providing jobs to the local youth and this is a significant development.
On 5th of August 2019, the Modi government brought two resolutions related to Jammu and Kashmir. The first rendered Article 370 inoperative in Jammu and Kashmir by applying the power granted under the same article of the constitution. The second resolution was for bifurcation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories -Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh .This fulfilled a long cherished demand of the RSS-BJP, since the days of Bharatiya Jan Sangh, whose leader Syama Prasad Mookerjee sacrificed his precious life for fully integrating J&K with India and it is Modi who made this dream possible in 2019.
A historic decision had been taken by the Modi government on 5th of August 2019 whereby two resolutions were passed which annulled the controversial Article 370 and 35 A and also bifurcated the state of Jammu and Kashmir into two UTs.
With this historic decision the geography of Jammu and Kashmir as well as the politics has changed. Slathia also said that Jammu and Kashmir is witnessing a new era of hope and promise with the era of despondency becoming a nightmare of past. Modi government has taken a slew of measures taken in past nine years of its rule with the sole objective of ensuring development, creating infrastructure ,strengthening utility services and giving fillip to growth as a result of massive investment. In brief the big changes have taken place in Jammu and Kashmir and its socio-economic development which is a cause of envy to the neighboring country Pakistan. These changes will go a long way in scripting a new history of new Jammu and Kashmir.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist).

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