Challenges of future education

Shyam Sudan

Education is the only powerful tool to civilized the super creation of God I.e humans. All the advancement we see in the world today is due to spread of education. Without education there is no difference between humans and other lower creatures. In India we have a very enriched and incredible history of knowledge. Once there was a time we were considered as world superpower of the world in term of our education and knowledge glory. Our old age texts I.e vedas ,upanishads and other valuable books were filled with knowledge of all fields of life .Basically these enriched texts of our past gives direction and way to us and entire humanity to live a prosperous and contented life .But with the change in time and due to influence of westernization of knowledge we have seen a drastic change in present time .After the independence we have framed lot of education policies for the welfare of our modern generation. But there is a popular saying that change is the law of nature. And this dictum works equally for education too .Those methods and policies whom we have firmed faith in those time I.e during their formation, now we have felt that those are outdated and obsolete one in current scenario. No doubt knowledge remains the same in all era but the ways and methods of its execution changed as per the need and expectations of present time zone .Now our traditional method of imparting knowledge has been changed. Once there was a time when we consider that guru or teacher was the ultimate source of knowledge for everyone. But now with the advancement in technology and digitilization of everything all the things have changed. Now there are many sources of knowledge for the knowledge seekers. During covid pandemic when there was no formal schooling available for us ,we have learnt lot of other methods of imparting knowledge .I.e digital learning. Now our country is in the developing phase of history. There are lot of challenges are waiting for us in our future. What are the challenges for our future education ,is a burning issue for us in present time .At present we are focussing on online learning process. No doubt it is the need of the hour to adopt this method of imparting knowledge, because we can connect with millions of learners at any corner of the country. Moreover well planned and targeted knowledge can be spread through this medium of learning. But there are few hurdles in method of learning as well .Because there is need of well furnished Ict lab ,sophisticated digital devices and rapid internet connectivity. Topographically, in India we have a great challenge in our future to make provision for this method of imparting education. Because there is need of considerable funds and infrastructure, especially in rural areas still there is very limited scope of this method of learning.No doubt online method of teaching is very important and mandatory at present time .but we can’t ignore our traditional method of teaching totally. It is also a great challenge for us in future to go with two ways of teaching and make a comfortable alignment with two .
The next great challenge for our future education is to protect our moral based education system. No doubt we have achieved great milestone in spreading the literacy in our population. But sidewise we have seen that we have lost our moral values from our education system. Our prime focus was to increase the percentage of literacy rate but in ignorance we have failed in achieving the best side of education. It is a bitter reality that we have millions of literary persons in our country but very limited number of educated one .Due to more focus on our literacy side we are continuously producing smart hackers, fraudsters,smart corrupt manpower and morally dead lot .it is due ignorance in our moral based education. No doubt online method can attract the millions of learners in a fraction of time but we can’t develop moral values in those learners through that method of learning. There is a an age old saying that “guru bin gati na hoye ” only guru and morally equipped teacher can change the mindset of learners through traditional method of teaching. With simulation and digitally demonstrated way we can’t imbibe this virtue I.e mortality in our future generation.
Another challenge for our future education is to implement the skill based education in our young generation. Because at present we are giving priority to only competitive aspects of exams. But in future we need skilled and trained educated persons for our we have to focus on new skill based education as per our future requirements and needs .our traditional skills are now outdated one ,because the need and demand of our society is new and advance one .we have to focus on Digital and technology based skill education. However in our new education policy we are giving stress to this need .The main focus and priority of our new education policy is also the same and it is designed as per the future need of our country. But ,it takes many more years for proper implementation and in its execution.
Another great challenge for our future education is to how we can reduce the burden of expense of higher education. Mostly ,in our country it is somewhat difficult for common man to pursue the higher education due to its cost burden .It is great challenge for us and for our future generation, because we know there is a great percentage of our population who have not proper financial background. Mostly knowledge seekers and talented people can not afford the facilities for higher education due to their poor financial background. Moreover, nepotism and favoritism is also an another challenge for us in every era .
Another problem for us in near future is burden of our reservation policies. No doubt reservation is good for downtrodden and having not section of our society. But ,now a days we have designed the culture of this reservation in almost every section of society. This will going to be a great hurdle for us in near future and also a great challenge for our education system.
The next biggest challenge for our future education system is to give employment and job opportunities to our educated youths.However ultimate aim of education is to get the salvation and escape from the cycle of birth and rebirth as per our religious belief. But in current materialistic society we relate the success of education with employment engagement of the learners.Because we know millions of students are waiting for employment in our country. Now in future their numbers will increase in geometric ratio ,then it will be a great challenge for us to engage this manpower to work as per their dignity and status.
Another great challenge for us in our future education is to meet the requirements of expertise and learned scholars, teachers and guide .Because at present we have seen that there is scarcity of expertise faculty in different levels of our education sectors. In this changing teaching and learning era there is need of well trained and professional expertise manpower to guide our budding generation. Because at present the need, aspirations and demand of our modern learners is different than our old age time .Brain draining is another challenge in this direction. We should work on this side to stop the brain draining of our intellectual class .more opportunities and job security can change the mindset of our intellectual in this direction. There is an urgent need to inculcate the values of nationalism and patriotism in the minds and vision of our educated youth.this is possible only with the right and value based education in future. Our plan and policies must be in such a way that there is enriched sources and texts of these value oriented teachings in our books .for that there s need of change in our books and other literature. Especially, if we avoid distorted history presentation in our future only then we can give a proper and authentic knowledge to our young generation. Political influence in our higher education institutions is also a great hurdle for us .more autonomous status can be given in this direction to our institutions of higher level .
Another big challenge for us in our future education system is selection of language formula for our learners. Still we are in dilemma regarding the selection of language formula. No doubt hindi language is our mother tongue, but we are continuously giving stress to foreign language I.e English. Still our mindset is that if anyone make communication in English language we think he / she is very intelligent. Contrary to this if someone has more talent and expertise in his field ,but a poor communicator in foreign language we generally ignore his performance.
No doubt challenges are many for us in future, but our strong determination and selection of appropriate policies can change the condition in our favour. A strong and committed political will is also needed in this direction to change the condition.

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