Caste based discrimination

Dear Editor,
I would like to draw the attention of the people and the government towards the discrimination being done on the basis of caste and religion which is clear cut violation of UNO charter. Today after 67 years of adopting our Constitution we need to stop politicking over caste and religion and solve the problem of poor by taking genuine steps for their upliftment. It is an unfortunate fact that Indian political leaders seldom respect the ideals and spirit of the Constitution. They are more interested in dividing the society for votes than welfare of the voters. Division of the society on the narrow lines of caste, creed , religion and region would never help to achieve Sab Ka Saath Aor Sab Ka Vikas. Modi’s slogan has lost much of it’s luster in the mindset of ongoing debate on reservation in the country. Governments have been ignoring the verdicts of Courts and provisions of Equality, Justice and Liberty by augmenting and promoting the caste based reservation and special privileges and scholarships. Separate Acts are being implemented for SC/ ST ignoring others. People of the general category for the last 67 years have been deprived of their fundamental rights i e, Right to contest election from their home constituency, due to reservation of seats. Our politicians have declared some castes as Dalits/backwards.There are Dalits and backwards in every caste. We need to restructure the definition of words Dalit and Backward.Today, in India a person who has nothing to eat, has no clothes to wear, has no house to live in, has no money for his /her medical treatment and doesn’t provide education to his children should be called a Dalit and government must provide economic help for his upliftment. Dalit is not a caste but it is a class. Such Dalits are in every caste, community and ethnic groups. There are backwards in every ethnic groups too. Backward is a person who lacks education, doesn’t have civilised manners and common sense.
In today’s social economic and political spectrum, Manji ex Chief Minister of Bihar’s statement that he would not take the benefit of reservation is more relevant than Prime Minister Modi’s statement that provisions of reservation would continue.
Sir, provisions of reservation need total review as demanded by RSS Chief Mohan Bhagvat about few months ago, just to make reservation real tool to help the deserving, needy, the poor and actual Dalits of all castes, and ethnic groups. Country needs to forget the past and move forward as historical injustices can not be criteria for any welfare scheme and provision.
Madan Lal Narad
General Secretary,
Aarakshan Virodhi Party J and K State

Caste based discriminationMadan Lal Narad
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