Can moon be our second habitat

Shyam Sudan

As per our recent observation and scientific studies we have found that earth is the only planet in our solar system which has life in its diversify manner .Because it has a suitable distance from the sun which is favorable for every living creature on this blue planet. There is no other heavenly body which has such kind of favorable conditions and atmosphere which suits the living creatures like our earth. We are continuously exploring the possibilities of life on other heavenly bodies. Now with the advancement in technology and high resolution telescopes we are searching the possibilities of life on our nearby galaxies. Our recent success of chandrayan 3 is the testimony of our this fact .ISRO has done a marvelous job in this direction and deserve the applause and appreciation. Chandrayan 3 will play a significant role in our search for existence of life on other heavenly bodies. Now the burning question for all of us at present time is ,can our nearby heavenly bodies be our next and second habitat. Or can moon be our second habitat in future .The answer for this tedious enquiry is quite tough at present time .Because we know , there is no atmosphere on moon like our own planet which favors the life of living creatures. Also the force of gravity is very different from our own planet .we can say that the possibilities of life on our maternal uncle ( moon) is still a very irrelevant in nature. BECAUSE there is great variation of temperature on the surface of moon due to long tenure of day and night.Moreover there is no availability of ozone like protective shield which can protect the hazards of harmful uv radiation on its surface. The dust particles are so minute and small that they can stick to any object with a slight vibration and movement on the surface of moon .If in future we get the chance to create an artificial suitable condition for life on some part of moon ,even then it is quite tough to make the moon our second habitat. Because the cost of such kind of technology is very costly for us .Another difficulty that will come in our mission for this experiment is the journey hurdles. The risk of this journey and its cost will put a great burden and challenge for us.It is very tough to afford the cost of this long journey to shift the people in this new habitat which is not suitable for us at present time. We spend millions of dollars and there is great toil of our scientists to launch even a single mission like chanryan . And if we think to make this journey an affordable for many people, it will be a great challenge for us .However for space research and other scientific studies we can launch this kind of mission in future in more comfortable way due to our past experience and knowledge. But ,the option of second habitat is still a tough job for anyone. However this maiden success of our space organization is a very unique and incomparable. With the successful completion of this mission the prestige and dignity of ISRO has increased manifold among the other reputed space agencies of the world. With a comparable low budget and indigenous technology we have prove our talent and efficiency in front of the entire world. No doubt this was the dream mission of our scientists and they worked hard for this day and night with great enthusiasm and excitement. But the dream of making moon as our next habitat is still a very herculean task.

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