Burdwan trail

The emergence of West Bengal as the launching pad for terror outfits has come out as a surprise and shows that radical Islamic organisation may have been responsible for creating the wide spread terror funding modules through Hawala. Though it is too early to draw a conclusion over the spread as the probe by National Investigation Agency (NIA) into Burdwan blast has not been completed yet but the initial evidences show that some of the fund trails have presence not only in Bangladesh but in other Islamic  countries as well. The beneficiaries have been identified as NGOs who have received the funds from abroad. The NIA got its breakthrough in 2005 when intelligence inputs stated that Bangladesh terror outfits are providing funding from petro dollars and Narco funding to support various insurgent groups in India and make West Bengal the launching pad to meet their aspirations. The probe also identified three terrorist organisations— Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen (JuM) now Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh (JMJB) and Harakt-ul-Jehadi Islami (Huji). The seized bank accounts show huge transfer of funds within and outside the country. Though maintaining a low key profile at present most of the organisations were active in funds transfers. With the NIA probe progressing further in Burdwan trail  more and more revelations  are to come forward about the spread and reach of funding mechanism in operations and links in northern part of the  country. The probe has unearthed a deadly network of terrorist module belonging to the Jamaat-ul- Mujahideen  Bangladesh, which Union Government is keen to eliminate at the earliest.

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