Bread politics

Earlier it was noodles manufactured by a multi-national company in focus for having one of the ingredients beyond the permissible limit causing huge cry over the ill effects on the children and the yoga ‘Sanyasi’ was vociferous over the MNCs role in food industry . He went up to introduce his brand of noodles as a brand of purity and an alternative to the market leader during the period controversy continued. Even his ethnic and indigenous health product failed to clear the quality tests and the controversy died of its own. The MNC product is back in the market with mild version but nobody knows about the ‘Sanyasi noodles’. Now another largely consumed eatable, bread, is under scanner for the cancer producing chemicals used in its manufacture. Here also big manufacturers are in the centre of controversy and as far as local brands are concerned the study hardly focused on its effect. The foul cry too came from an NGO and not that some proper test has been carried out on the ill effects. Politics over economics played by the present BJP government at the Centre appears to be bent upon promoting indigenous product under the guise of ‘Make in India’. There is ban on liquor trade, tobacco product sale and even some cosmetic products. Against this backdrop, there’s a serious need for upgrading and expanding government’s food testing mechanisms. We need more laboratories, more safety inspectors and greater number of periodic tests. Plus, it’s relatively easier to enforce accountability on food companies in the organised sector. What’s needed is a wider debate on safety of the entire food ecosystem to put pressure on government to revise food safety standards periodically. Stringent laws to maintain quality and standardisation are the need at the hour and not the politics over the food products.

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