Dr. Banarsi Lal
Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) is among the most important fruit crops produced globally with an increase in area of 20 per cent from 2011 to 2021.It is one of the most popular crops in the world. The growth responds to the increasing demand of red fruits and consumers awareness of their nutritional value and antioxidant properties. Strawberry production is challenged by the several abiotic and biotic stresses such as drought ,soil salinity and diseases. The strawberry plant belongs to Rosaceae family and genus Fragria having chromosome number(2n=56).It is a short day plant, monocious, low perennial herb and short duration crop.In India it is grown. It is greatly influenced by various factors such as temperature, humidity, irrigation, light, type of soil etc. This fruit is rich in vitamin C and commonly eaten fresh as a dessert fruit and can be preserved for many ways.The cultivated large fruited strawberry (Fragaria x anananna) was originated in Europe in the 18th century. Most of the countries developed their own varieties in 19th century suitable for their climate, day length, altitude etc. China is the largest producer of strawberry in the world. The berries are handpicked directly into small baskets and crated for marketing or put into trays for processing. It is a perishable crop and require cool dry storage.
Reasi district of J&K is primarily known for the cultivation of field crops such as maize, wheat, mustard, chickpea, turmeric, garlic, onion etc. This is a hilly district and about 94 per cent area of the district is rainfed. The soil of the district ranges from sandy loam to loam. The district receives average annual rainfall of 1100 mm. All the rainfall drains and forms uncontrolled flow which ultimately falls into the Chenab river which is considered as a big water body in the district. This district has varied climate ranging from temperate to sub-tropical. Rainfall is heavy and well distributed from June-September. Rainfall is moderate in other months. Sometimes dry spell also prevails in the district. Mountainous terrain and high peaks in the district are the main factors for the climate variation in the district. Summers are generally warm and winters cold with snowfall in higher altitudes. There are very less water harvesting units in the district. This district can be considered as the gold-mine of high-value horticultural crops. The size of land holding is very small and crops productivity is low. The income of the farmers is low. So, there is need to explore new options for the farming community so that their income can be enhanced and livelihood can be sustained. It was observed by the KVK, Reasi scientists that strawberry can be a good venture for the farmers to increase their income and employment. Strawberry has immense scope in the district as there are many religious spots in the district and tourists visit throughout year in the district. There are also many police and army camps in the district who can also purchase the farm produce. It was observed that strawberry can transform the socio-economic status of the farmers of hilly areas.
Strawberries are the popular soft fruits liked by everyone. Over the years the consumption of strawberries as fresh fruit has increased. Strawberries can be grown in the plains as well as hilly terrains at an elevation of 3000 m. Strawberries may offer quickest returns to the farmers in the shortest possible period. Strawberry is rich in proteins, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and vitamins such as A, B1, B2 and C. It is considered as the natural source of antioxidants. It is also anticarcinogenic and anti-diabetic. It is sodium free, fat free , cholestrol free and low calirie packed with fibre and plyphenols. It can also be used in making jam, jelly ice cream, soft drinks etc. Strawberry is a low growing plant and is planted at a spacing of 60×30 cm accommodating 50-60 thousands plants/ha. One ha field can yield about 150 qt/ha of strawberry fruit. From one ha of area of strawberry, farmers can generate about Rs.8 lakh within six months. Strawberry crop is care intensive and requires irrigation at regular intervals. Honeybees are the main insect pollinators. It is a short stature and short duration crop. It can be sown in the inter spaces of orchards. By doing so farmers can get the additional income. It is in tune to doubling farmer income though horticulture. Most of the cultivars of strawberry produce hermaphrodite flowers and are self fertile. However, some also produce male or staminate, imperfect and pistilate flower which requires cross-pollination. If proper care in planting and application of irrigation water is taken, then it does not interfere in flowering process in the other orchard crops. The other Rabi crops namely wheat, coriander, mustard etc. which even in winter requires irrigation whereas orchard crops such as mandarin has no water requirement and they interfere with the flowering process which usually appears during February-March.
Jatinder Singh progressive farmer from Bhabber village of Reasi district has given a new ray of hope for the other farmers of Reasi distt. by growing the strawberry in a scientific way. His village is endowed with the climatic conditions suitable for strawberry crop. He was guided and trained by the KVK, Reasi, SKUAST-J scientists and Deptt. of Horticulture to grow the strawberry commercially. He was guided by the scientists to cultivate the strawberry under polythene mulching sheet as the yield under polythene mulching sheet can be obtained higher than open conditions. Mulching in strawberry minimizes the freezing injury, suppresses weed growth and more importantly reduces the chances of softening of fruits. The Chandler variety of strawberry was suggested as it gives higher yield and is suitable in the area. Organic package of practices were also suggested to the farmers to grow the organic strawberry. He was also educated on the vermicomposting technique and organic formulations. Biofertilizers for strawberry cultivation were provided by the KVK Reasi scientists. He was also guided on the preparation of Jeevamrit, Beejamrit, mulching etc. Literature on organic farming was also provided to him. He guided to grow the strawberry on raised bed by using the polythene sheets. Now he sells his strawberry in the local markets. He was facilitated to sale his farm produce at a good price. Many other farmers are showing inclination towards strawberry cultivation. As strawberry is a new crop in the area, farmers have shown keen interest in its cultivation. This crop can help the farmers to enhance their farm income. There is need to develop strawberry hubs in the district so as to take this crop on a larger scale. Strawberry cultivation can help in the holistic development of the farmers of the district and farmers can fetch more returns by growing it commercially. Value addition in strawberry can open some new avenues of income and employment in the rural areas.
(The writer is Chief Scientist & Head of KVK Reasi, SKUAST-J)