India is treading fast in boosting its military capabilities especially after Prime Minister Narendra Modi took over the reins of the country in 2014. Among many developments which the country saw in recent times, the biggest is the strengthening of the frontline against the enemies of the country like fortifying LAC in eastern Ladakh and forcing Pakistan to silence its guns by rejuvenating the truce pact of 2003 signed between two countries. Besides, the country has given a free hand to the troopers to deal with terror coming from outside and from within for ensuring robust defence against Pakistan and China. Induction of Rafale jets from France was also a historic step in fortifying the defence line as this state of art fighter jet has helped India to take a big leap in the field of defence. There is no doubt that the Modi government has taken revolutionary steps in upgrading the country’s defence and many gaps which used to haunt security forces along borders have been successfully plugged in leaving little scope for the enemies to breach the security edifice. Although, Pakistan acquiring drone technology from some nations has become a source of headache for the forces deputed near borders as arms smuggling, recce and other illegal activities are being carried out by the flying objects but the government is already on toes and sooner than later this problem will also be resolved successfully. With all this going on successfully, the government is continuously improving its defence capabilities and in this context, India has successfully carried out a training launch of the Agni-4 intermediate-range ballistic missile from the APJ Abdul Kalam Island in Odisha. This launch and many others in the past have moved India to be the part of the pool of front running countries which are indigenously developing strong armoury to compete with their adversaries. The aforesaid test of Agni-4 reaffirms India’s policy of having a credible minimum deterrence capability. The aforesaid test was part of routine user training launches carried out under the aegis of the Strategic Forces Command. Reportedly, the ministry said the launch validated all operational parameters as also the reliability of the system. These necessary measures will surely give the edge to the country in defence and it will continue to remain as one of the leaders in the region as far as defence capabilities are concerned.

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