Blame game

With Governor’s rule in place in Jammu and Kashmir, now the blame game among political rivals has come out in the open. The parties should also blame the electorates who voted for them whole heartedly giving a record turnout for the State. The irony of such a political uncertainty after such a high voter turnout, when there is no boycott call from any quarters, borders are disturbed forcing many to leave their home and hearth, has not baffled but has disappointed many. Under such circumstances who is to be blamed political parties or the voter for the present situation. Despite getting majority if a political party is not in a position to form government for its own preoccupied reasons, then the whole gamut of electioneering too is questionable. After all people have reposed faith in the form of large voter turnout which the party has failed to keep by not forming the government. Should not the political parties be made accountable for such a stalemate? Or is to be taken as part of the futile exercise, if so then the Centre is to be blamed. Thus, the present imbroglio also questions the veracity of holding elections under such conditions, and also the subsequent Governor’s Rule when the Assembly has not been formed which now stands in suspended animation mode. The longest the State saw Governor’s rule was in 1990-96 during the tenure of Jagmohan. At that time situation was different and at present there is no similar situation as such. Except the one created by the political parties. BJP is stuck to the position of continuing the talks thus keeping all the options open. So one can expect a breakthrough in the present political logjam Jammu and Kashmir is facing?

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