BJP delegation meets Lt Governor, gets assurance on relief to pubic on power issues, widow pension


JAMMU: A high level delegation of Jammu and Kashmir Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) led by its General Secretary Vibodh Gupta and consisting of former President and Minister Sat Sharma, Vice President and former Minister Sham Sharma, former Minister S.S Slathia, senior leader Balwant Mankotia, Chief Spokesperson Sunil RP Sethi, Spokesperson Abhinav Sharma and Spokesperson Y.V Sharma met Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Saturday and submitted to him memorandum on power issues and problems with regards to pension for widows.
Delegation had detailed discussion on the issues and was given very patient and considerate hearing by Lieutenant Governor.
The delegation put forth effectively the problems being faced by public because of wrong metering complaints on smart meters as also forcible shifting from post paid to pre paid system which has caused distress in public.
It was agreed by lieutenant Governor that there will be forcible conversion from post paid to pre paid and that will be kept optional and public will be taken into confidence before taking any such decision.
The Lieutenant Governor also agreed in principle that there will wide random checking of smart meters to ensure that there is no instance of false or excess metering. He also said that grievance redressal system will also be put to place.
The delegation also took up issue of increase in power tariff for Industrial Sector and apprehensions in Industry that there will be further increase in power tariff.
It was committed to delegation by Lieutenant Governor that there will be no increase in power tariff for industrial sector for one year and that the team will further study tariff chart between Jammu and Himachal to rationalise it.
Delegation also took up issue of arrears of Power from poor and down trodden and pleaded for relaxation and exemption to persons who are BPL and other deserving. LG promised to take up matter with Central Govt in this regard.
Delegation also took up issue of payment of pension to widows especially who have not been found eligible.
Delegation was promised that all cases of eligible persons will be expeditiously decided while making study for widows who are left out because of eligibility criterion and ways will be found to help them also .
The delegation thanked LG for patient hearing and on spot acceptance of majority of requests made by delegation which will give relief to public.
Meanwhile, Former Member of the Legislative Council, Vikram Randhawa also met with Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha and handed over a memorandum highlighting demands of the public.
While speaking, Former Legislator Vikram Randhawa underscored the untapped sporting potential of the region, emphasising the importance of nurturing local talent.
“The youth residing in the border areas are having lot of potential and can bring laurels to India in general and Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir in particular if sports facilities are provided to them”, Randhawa said.
Randhawa also raised concerns about the delay in the issuance of appointment orders of 120 compilers who were successfully selected by the Finance Department in 2017 through due procedures.
Lieutenant Governor assured that the concerns raised by the former MLC would be earnestly addressed and taken up with the concerned authorities for appropriate redressal.

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