Big action on bovine smugglers: Documents of 25 vehicles suspended


Kishtwar: In a significant effort to curb bovine smuggling, the District Police of Kishtwar have recommended the suspension of registration certificates and route permits for 25 vehicles implicated in the illegal trade of bovine smuggling. Following these recommendations, ARTO Kishtwar suspended the documents for these vehicles involved in illegal trade. District Police’s unwavering commitment to combating bovine smuggling and dismantling the networks that facilitate it.
District Police Kishtwar have made these recommendations based on evidence gathered through multiple FIRs lodged across various police stations in Kishtwar throughout the year. This action is aimed at disrupting the logistics of smuggling operations and making it increasingly difficult for smugglers to transport livestock illegally. The following vehicles have had their documents suspended by the Regional Transport Offices (RTOs): JK17A4251, JK178554, JK17A6774, JK179374, JK177675, JK179259, JK17A1685, JK179340, JK176054, JK17A3721, JK17A3136, JK17A1451, JK171082, JK17A2214, JK177150, JK178326, JK179330, JK17A2290, JK17A1360, JK17A0318, JK17A1068, JK174471, JK17A0960, JK170373, JK178919.
The Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Kishtwar issued a stern warning to bovine smugglers and vehicle owners whose vehicles are used for such illegal activities: “Our commitment to eradicating bovine smuggling is unwavering. This is a clear message to anyone involved in this illegal activity: we will identify you, and you will face the full force of the law. Vehicle owners must ensure their vehicles are not used for such purposes, as we will take strict actions, including the suspension of vehicle permits and registration certificates, without any leniency.”
The SSP Kishtwar also cautioned other vehicle owners in the district, stating that if their vehicles are found involved in bovine smuggling, they too will face similar consequences. This comprehensive approach aims to root out bovine smuggling from Kishtwar and uphold the rule of law.

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