Bid goodbye to flab with a no equipment workout

Running late for work? Missed your gym routine too? Working professionals find it difficult to accommodate time as they get busy with work, family and children. We help you with a lowdown on the exercises that can be done at home just before one leaves for work.
No equipment workout not necessarily means trying anything at random. These workouts have a proper chronology and must be discussed with a trainer before performing them. Harsha Salunkhe, a city-based fitness trainer, says, “I suggest home workouts to women. It is a best alternative when on vacation or during busy schedules. I always insist that they should follow the sequence as instructed.”
Harsha believes that aping Internet videos can be dangerous. She says, “Usually people who are in such exercise videos are really fit; therefore they are at ease while performing a difficult routine, they make it seem very easy. In reality, the situation is different. Many people lack the necessary stamina, and if you try any workout at random, you might end up with a serious injury. So, even for a home fitness routine, consult a fitness trainer first.”
This workout routine involves common exercises such as jumping jack, squats, push-ups, lunges and plank. Slow jogging and marching are good for warm-up.
Different combinations and variations of these common exercises make your no equipment workout worthwhile.
Pick a cardio routine: Go for cardio workouts. These workouts are best to build body stamina, which helps you to undertake more extensive routines. The workouts can be altered according to your age, strength and stamina.
Benefits of a no equipment workout
The most important benefit: they are cheap. You don’t need to enrol in an expensive gym or buy fancy equipment; all you have to do is remain focused. Another benefit is they are time savers.
You can squeeze them in your schedule any time, just before getting ready for office in the morning or before you hit a party in the evening. The variations of the routine keep you entertained.
No equipment workout routine
– Warm up for 10 minutes including stretching, marching and jogging
– 20 body weight squats
– 10 push ups
– 20 walking lunges
– 15 second plank
– 30 Jumping Jacks
Repeat the cycle for four-eight rounds. Don’t forget to stretch once you finish. You can increase the number of cycles once your stamina builds.
And yes, it’s okay if you can’t get the perfect push-up in the first try. Mid push-ups or stand push-ups against the wall will also do good for beginners.

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