Benefits of JEE Main Computer-Based Mock Tests at Home

Vijay Garg

Mock tests are very important as it will provide the actual performance of the IIT JEE candidate. It is more important for those students who are facing computer based exams for the very first time. Here below are some listed benefits of JEE Main Computer-Based Mock Tests:
In Knowing your Knowledge Depth
Mock tests help you to know which areas you are weak in and what all things you don’t know. It will clear the basic concepts of students quickly and make them able to prepare for the exam more efficiently. By attempting, students will understand the actual pattern of the examination and the process and pre-exam preparation.
Time management
Time management is very important as it’s a regular kind of thing which generally we hear like one has left the questions despite knowing the answer to the questions. Mock tests will help to know the time management like which question needs to be attempted first, what should be in order to attempt the question or what will be a suitable speed to solve the question so that all the questions could be covered within the provided time limit.
Tracks topic wise concept
Mock tests will help in tracing topic wise concepts and let you know about your weak areas and help to select the specific topic / topics which need to be revised more frequently. It will also track your time to time progress of the preparation for the examination.
Actual test environment
Mock tests help you in getting accustomed to the actual test environment to overcome your examination anxiety, improvement in your physical ability during exam period like sitting power, concentration power, recall power, increase speed and accuracy etc.
Habit for Computer – based examination
Mock test gives you the idea about the computer-based test. Some of the things during the examination like ‘Screen change with every question’ etc. could create some disturbance in the concentration of the candidate.
Analysis After Mock Test
The most important part of attempting mock tests is analysis after the test. Without analysis attempting a mock test is purely a wastage of time. Here below is a sample through which you could analyze your performance in a mock test.
Answered correctly and confidently : The topics from which the questions have been answered with perfect concepts.
Answered correctly but not confidently: The topics from which the questions have been answered, but not sure about the concepts.
Wrongly answered : You have wrongly answered the question and the reason behind that may be
Doesn’t have the concept to solve the question.
Lack of concentration while answering, which may be due to examination fear, noises inside examination hall etc.
In a hurry to solve the question you have not read carefully or have read partially and answered.
Not attempted : there may be some questions about which you may not have the idea or may not have the time to look into that.
Summarize the analysis to correct the concept
After such analysis you got some conclusions about the subject or topics like:
You have answered exactly with the required concept and need not to revise the topic frequently.
There may be some topics which require more concepts and need to be revised frequently.
Now you should have to list down each topic and revise as per need. It is necessary to revise all the topics weekly or at least in 15 days. This will help to minimize the mistakes and increase the accuracy.
Summarize the analysis to correct the behavioral mistake
This includes the kind of mistakes you have done due to lack of concentration or hurry to solve, like you have partially read the question and answered or you have used the concept of upper or lower question while answering or you have marked in the wrong column or sometimes it may be due to overconfidence.
You may attempt more mock tests and make a three hour study slot to overcome this kind of mistake.
Analyze your Strategy
A candidate must have a certain strategy to solve the paper, like generating a strategy of solving the easy and solvable question first. This will increase the speed, accuracy and time management of candidate. A smart and efficient candidate would always analyze his strategy.

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